- Epoxy Putty Wood Restoration Stick

This epoxy putty wood repair stick helps to repair dry rot, furniture indentations and large gaps; its two-component formula makes it easy to apply by hand and can also be used as a repair stick to restore damaged furniture. Knead putty can be mixed with different components for flattening surfaces and repairing items. Once applied, it takes less than 30 minutes and cures in less than an hour. The putty can be stained, drilled and polished without rotting or shrinking.
- Drywall Repair Kit.

Holes and dents in walls can be unsightly. This drywall repair kit makes it easy to repair holes and improve the appearance of a space. The kit includes a 4-inch self-adhesive patch to plug the hole and a primer-enhanced caulk to completely repair the damage. Smooth the surface with the sanding pad provided and dry completely like the rest of the wall before painting.
- Stain Marker.

Stain Marker provides an easy solution for repairing scratches on wood surfaces in your home, such as hardwood floors and wood furniture. This kit contains six wax touch-up sticks and six markers with pigment formulas for oak, maple, cherry, mahogany, walnut and dark wood. First, mark the scratches with the touch-up sticks and then apply color to them with the markers. Start with a light color and then apply several coats of a darker color to match the wood.
- Clear Nail Polish

Clear nail polish is an effective way to remove scratches from glass. It fills cracks and small dents and gives the glass a smoother finish. To use clear nail polish on glass, apply a thin layer on the scratch and let it cure for about an hour. Afterwards, dip a clean soft cloth in de-icer and gently wipe the trimmed area to remove excess nail polish from the surface.
- Metal polish

In addition to removing scratches on metal, metal polish can also be used to remove scratches on glass. After cleaning the glass, apply polish to a clean cloth and wipe the scratched area in a circular motion. Work gently, as too much polishing will increase the number of scratches.