10 Home Heating Mistakes That Spike Your Bills


Close ventilation openings in unused rooms.

You might think it makes sense to save money by closing the vents in unused rooms. After all, why heat an unoccupied room? The fact is, heating ducts are designed to heat the entire house evenly, and if you upset this balance by closing the vents, the system will not function effectively.

Neglecting Regular Furnace Maintenance

Just like a car, a furnace needs regular maintenance to keep it in good working order. This should not be neglected. A well-maintained system will operate more efficiently and save you money on energy costs. Also, regular inspections will keep small problems from ballooning into expensive repair bills.

Setting the thermostat too low.

Heating while you are away is a problem, but don’t set the thermostat too low while you are away. Doing so will cause the furnace to work harder when you heat it again, costing you more money in the long run.

Use the fireplace as a heat source.

In a small space, it may seem like a good idea to turn down the thermostat and use the fireplace for heat, but it can actually do more harm than good. Most of the heated air goes straight down the chimney and out of the house. And this chimney also draws in cold air from outside, making the house colder and the cookware work harder.

Leave the exhaust fan on.

When you are done using the exhaust fan in the bathroom or kitchen, turn it off. Exhaust fans are necessary to remove moisture and odors, but you don’t want to let any more warm air out of your home than necessary.

You don’t want to let warmth escape.

If you educate yourself and act prudently, you can save a lot of money on your home energy bills.