10 Listerine Hacks Everyone Needs To Know

Horizontal photo of female hands putting mouth wash into black cap with white bathroom sink and faucet in background

We’re willing to bet that you have Listerine, or another brand of mouthwash, in your house right now. It’s probably sitting on your bathroom counter right now!

If we had to guess, we’d say you’re probably using Listerine as part of your daily oral routine, or maybe it’s just a late night brushing replacement when you’re too tired to reach for your toothbrush (be honest, it happens from time to time).

But little do you know, mouthwash has more to offer than you might think. In fact, mouthwash was invented in 1879 as a surgical antiseptic, and it wasn’t until the 1970s that mouthwash was marketed as a solution to bad breath. With surprisingly healthy ingredients like thyme, eucalyptus, and alcohol, it’s no surprise that Listerine can be used in various aspects of your beauty routine, around the house, and even on your pets!

Check out these 10 interesting ways to use this good old-fashioned mouthwash in your daily life.

  1. Clean Your ToothbrushDisinfect your toothbrush with mouthwashlittlethingsYou may not think about it, because usually your toothbrush does the cleaning, but your brush needs to be cleaned, too! Sterilize your brush in a snap by letting the bristles soak in a cup of mouthwash overnight.
  2. Rub It On Your Dog Sounds weird, (why would Spot want to be rubbed in mouthwash?) but Listerine is actually a great flea-fighting solution!The minty smell and eucalyptus in mouthwash is great for repelling fleas without the harsh chemicals of other repellents. Try putting a dab of Listerine in your dog’s shampoo to dilute it, then coat their fur in the solution.
  3. Use It For Itch ReliefPoisonIvyWarningSignforListDesignPicsInc via Deposit PhotosDoctors actually recommend that you put Listerine on bug bites for itch relief!The eucalyptus in Listerine is soothing for irritated skin, and it even works wonders on more severe rashes like poison ivy and poison oak. For these rashes, the alcohol in mouthwash helps to heal infections and stop the rash from spreading. Pour some Listerine on a cotton ball and let it sit on your rashes or bites for a few days or until you find relief.
  4. Soak Your Feet Toenail fungus is unsightly and can be embarrassing. It definitely makes getting a pedicure a insecure experience. A quick remedy is soaking your feet in mouthwash! Listerine will kill toe fungus fast…and also make them smell minty fresh.
  5. Rub It Under Your Arms If you’re ever in a pinch for deodorant, don’t go about your day feeling self-conscious! Soak a cotton ball in Listerine and rub it under your arms to neutralize unpleasant bodily odors.
  6. Clean Your ToiletClean you toilet bowl using mouthwashHandy Ma’amNeed to give the toilet a quick scrub? You don’t need specific cleaners or even bleach to get a clean, stink-free bowl. Pour a little Listerine into the bowl and use the toilet brush to scrub away stains, odors, and dinginess. Just like your teeth, mouthwash makes your toilet bowl sparkling and white!
  7. Wet Your Hair With It Back in the day, Listerine was marketed as a way to get rid of dandruff. Although this use never really caught on, it doesn’t make it untrue. Rub some mouthwash into your scalp when you hair is wet, then put it up in a towel and the Listerine do it’s work.
  8. Nix AcneClear your acne with mouthwashobencem via Deposit PhotosCleaning your face with Listerine works like an alternative astringent! The alcohol in the mouthwash cleans your pores and gets rid of bothersome acne.
  9. Clean Your Computer Screen Take a good look at your computer or phone screen right now – what do you see? If your screen is anything like mine, you probably see dust, smears, and grime. Yuck.Clean your phone or computer screen by using a little spray of mouthwash! Soak a towel with Listerine or put some in a spray bottle to get a spotless screen.
  10. Pour It In Your Washing Machine


Just like your toothbrush, your washing machine usually does the cleaning, but also needs to be cleaned. How can you get your clothes smelling fresh if your washing machine isn’t fresh?

Pour 1/2 cup of mouthwash into your washing machine and run a cycle to disinfect your beloved appliance. The cleaner your washing machine, the cleaner your clothes!

Do you use Listerine around the house in a unique way?