10 tips for a cleaner bathroom than ever before


Cleaning the bathroom can be a real chore. A breeding ground for bacteria, germs, hair and other grime, it’s a dirty job that needs to be done. But that doesn’t mean you have to spend all day Saturday hosing down the bathroom.
Check out some of these tips to make sure your bathroom is spotlessly clean without ruining your entire weekend.

Save time cleaning the bathroom with a little multitasking. Pour the cleaner of your choice into the toilet before you start. Let it sit while you clean the rest of the bathroom. Optional: Use the sink as a bucket (there’s no bucket to rinse and the sink gets soaked while you clean everything else).

2- Clean the bathroom walls with a squeegee.


Keep a squeegee in the shower and wipe the walls after every shower. This will prevent water spots and soap buildup. You will only need to scrub the shower walls more thoroughly about once a month.

3- Soak the shower head


Fill a plastic bag with white vinegar. Tie the bag (a grocery bag works well) over the showerhead. Let it soak overnight. In the morning, rinse off the buildup with ease.

4- Brush your teeth


The most effective way to remove mold and mildew from grout is to use a toothbrush and bleach. Dip the brush directly into the bleach and scrub. If you tackle mold as soon as it appears, you’ll prevent it from spreading to other parts of the bathroom. Use an old electric toothbrush so your arms don’t suffer. Bonus tip: reseal the grout every six months to prevent moisture from setting in.

5- Steam


Leave the bathroom super clean by spraying the walls, ceiling and countertops with a cleaner. Turn on the shower with very hot water and let the steam build up. Turn off the shower, close the door and let the cleaner work in the steam for 20 to 30 minutes. Wipe everything off with a cloth (use a microfiber cloth to clean the ceiling).

6- Clean where the eye can’t see


Martha Stewart recommends cleaning sink drains every couple of months to prevent clogging. Simply pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain and add 1/2 cup of vinegar. Let the mixture bubble for a few minutes before rinsing it out with a ladle of boiling water. (P.S. Try it for the garbage can, too!).

7- Don’t forget the toys


If your kids have bath toys, clean and disinfect them at least once a month. Just fill a bucket with warm water, add half a cup of vinegar (per liter of water), pour in the toys and let them soak for at least 10 minutes. Let them air dry.

8- Use tea to clean the mirror


Forget the glass cleaner. Brew a few bags of black tea, let them cool and pour them into a spray bottle. Spray your mirrors with the tea and then wipe them with newspaper to make them shine without streaks – you can save the tea for later use!

9- Give the toilet brush some TLC


It’s no wonder the toilet brush collects germs quickly. Clean it by soaking it in all-purpose cleaner or bleach for about 20 minutes.

10- Wash the shower curtain in the washing machine.
Yes, you can wash your plastic shower curtain in the washing machine. Just add a few towels to the load. Wash with a mild soap and add 1/2 cup of baking soda during the wash cycle and 1/2 cup of vinegar in the rinse. Let the curtain air dry.