12 Awesome Uses For Castile Soap


Here are 12 other wonderful uses for Castile soap!

1. Body Wash

Likely the most widely recognized use of Castile soap is as a body wash. Castile cleanser makes an incredible gentile body wash. Since the Earth Mama castile cleansers accompany a frothing siphon, they keep going for quite a while.

2. Face Wash

I have been using the Earth Mama Calming Lavender cleanser as a face wash, and it works incredible for me (I have dry, delicate skin). If you have skin break out inclined skin, you can blend unscented Castile cleanser with equivalent amounts of water and a couple of drops of tea tree oil in a frothing container.

3. Frothing Hand Soap

I have been making my own foaming hand soap for some time, however, with the Earth Mama castile cleansers, you can even simply utilize them straight out of the jug and they work incredible!

4. Generally useful Cleaner

I frequently use citrus imbued vinegar for cleaning around the house, yet a few employments need something somewhat more grounded. You can make your own generally useful cleaner for a lot less expensive than getting it by basically blending ¼ cup unadulterated Castile soap with one quart of water and a couple of drops of essential oil in a spray bottle.

5. Cleaning Floors

I have never loved the smell of convential floor cleaners. Pour 1/2 cup of Castile soap into a full container of water (around 3 gallons). Mop as usual. Nature’s Nuture has another extremely incredible natively constructed floor cleaner recipe using Castile soap that uses a couple of more fixings.

6. Dish Soap

Run out of dish soap? You can prepare a snappy clump by blending Castile soap and water in a 1:1 ratio. Use as you would any dish soap. If you have hard water, this may not function admirably for you.