12 Gardening Uses Of White Vinegar


7. Garden insecticide vinegar spray
Vinegar is an effective solution for eliminating garden insects. To create a vinegar spray that acts on garden insects, combine three parts of water with one part of vinegar in a spray bottle and add a teaspoon of dish detergent. Shake the spray bottle to mix the contents well before using it in the garden. Here’s more on that.

8. Fruit flies
Save your fruit from fruit flies, make a bait with vinegar. For this, you will need a cup of water, half a cup of apple cider vinegar, a quarter cup of sugar and a tablespoon of molasses. Mix everything and put this solution in an empty container or a can and hang it on an affected fruit tree. You’ll see how she’s going to attract and trap her. The similar solution can also be used for house flies.

9. Treat Acid Loving Plants Keep Acid Loving Plants With Vinegar
Leave acid-loving plants, such as rhododendrons, gardenias or azaleas, in vinegar. Although its effect is temporary, you can still give a quick acid boost to plants containing vinegar. Mix a cup of white vinegar with a gallon of water and water the acid-loving plants with this solution.

10. Clean rust from garden tools
Vinegar can be used to make garden tools rust free. Just spray or soak the tools in undiluted vinegar and let them sit for a few minutes, then rinse and clean them.

11. Save plants from fungi
You can protect plants with fungi and mold; the vinegar fungicide recipe is simple and easy – Add 2 tsp. of vinegar into infused chamomile tea and spray this on the affected plants in your garden. It’s safe and organic!

12. You can get rid of slugs and snails

Among the many uses of vinegar, it is becoming popular among gardeners. You can kill snails and slugs with vinegar.