12 Unexpected Yet Clever Uses Of Shampoo And Conditioner


Prevent mirrors from hazing

Squirt a touch of shampoo on a paper towel and rub it into the mirror then with a spotless fabric wipe it away. Next time you shower your mirror will be sans haze without any streaks.

Body wash

If you’ve come up short on shower gel or need to spare space on pressing, shampoo can without much of a stretch be used as a body wash.


Cleansing agent

Keep a jug of conditioner in your pantry for when you come up short on cleanser. The conditioner does precisely the same job.

Shaving cream

Conditioner is an incredible option in contrast to shaving cream as it gives you a nearby shave and saturates simultaneously. A few ladies find it leaves their skin less irritated than shampoo as well.

Cuticle cream

Some cuticle creams can leave you with oily fingers, rather take a stab at spotting a little conditioner onto your nails beds before driving them back.

Tame static hair

If you are inclined to frizz or static hair, put a small measure of conditioner on your palms, rub them together and daintily cover them up to your hair. It will keep flyaways under control and give a lovely fragrance.

DIY detangler

Get a vacant splash bottle, load up with water and a scramble of conditioner and shake well. Spritz over wet hair to keep away from knotty bad dreams.

Fix obstinate zippers

Conditioner is, in fact, an oil so if you have a stuck zipper, rub a little on either side of the zoom to make it go once more.