14 Deep Cleaning Tips For An Exceptionally Clean Home


We spend a good part of our lives in our homes, so we want them to be as clean as possible (or at least I do!). Cleaning the house can be a difficult task, and most of us tend to forget about some key areas that need to be cleaned. Here are 14 smart and effective cleaning tips to make your home the cleanest in the neighborhood!

1. Dust-Free Fans

source: One Crazy House

When was the last time you cleaned the blades on your ceiling fans? Probably not recently. Slide an old pillowcase over each blade to clean the dust. The pillowcase will trap the dust inside so it doesn’t spread throughout the room.

2. Clean Enamel Dishes

source: Kitchn / Image credit: Joe Lingeman

If you have enameled dishes or pots, you know very well how quickly they can be covered with burned food residue. Simply dip them in a solution of baking soda and hot water to break down the residue without rubbing.

3. Sparkling Mirrors

source: ThriftyFun

The key to clean, shiny mirrors? use rubbing alcohol! They will shine and be disinfected at the same time.

4. Clean Shower Curtain

source: Today / iStock

Don’t forget to clean the shower curtain from time to time! Put it in the washing machine with some distilled vinegar to eliminate bacteria and that musty smell.

5. Germ-Free Washing Machine

source: Tips and Tricks

You’ll be surprised to learn that washing machines can become filled with bacteria over time. To make sure your washing machine stays clean and germ-free, pour some distilled vinegar into it in a vacuum cycle.

6. Dust-Free Blinds

source: Hip2Save / YouTube

Use a handheld vacuum or longer attachment to vacuum the dust right off your blinds.

7. Sparkling Microwave

source: Better Homes & Gardens / iStock

To clean and disinfect the microwave, fill a shallow container with water and a few lemon slices. Heat the bowl for one minute. The water from the lemon will create steam in the microwave, and then you can simply wipe the microwave with a damp cloth.

8. Shiny Stainless Sinks

source: WeAbout / iStock

To clean and disinfect a stainless steel sink, rub it with a combination of baking soda and distilled vinegar. Then rinse with clean water.

9. Clean Stove Burner Grates

source: Practically Functional

To clean the dirty burner screens, put them in a Ziploc bag, fill the bag with ammonia and leave it to soak for one hour. When the time is up, wash them with dishwashing soap and hot water, rinse them, dry them and voilà!

10. Clean Grout

source: Bren Did

To make dirty grout clean again, make a paste using baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the grout, let it sit for about 20 minutes, then use a damp cloth to remove the residue.

11. Fresh Towels

source: Get Inspired Everyday!

To remove mold and mildew odor from towels, add one cup of distilled vinegar to the washing machine and run it on a regular cycle.