14 spectacular uses for tea bags. You will never look at tea bags the same way again


Next time you make your own tea, you will be tempted to throw the soggy bag in the trash. It turns out that the organic matter contained in tea bags is full of potential for recycling. And since tea bags themselves are no friend of the environment, the more you use them before they end up in the trash, the better.

Tea bags are not just for making tea. These 14 amazing hacks will make you want to stock up on this household necessity.

  1. Razor burn

Apply a wet tea bag to razor burn to ease the pain. According to Reader’s Digest, this tip is safe for both pimples and bruises.

  1. Bleeding gums

Try this to relieve pain after your child loses a tooth or has a tooth pulled. Reader’s Digest magazine recommends placing tea bags treated with cold water directly on sore or bleeding gums to relieve pain.

  1. Plant plants in your garden to keep pests at bay.

Believe it or not, you can create your own garden with used tea bags, seeds, plastic trays, water, and paper towels. Do not throw away used tea bags.

  1. Smelly feet.

Soak your feet in a bath with strong tea to get rid of the odor. Soaking your feet for 20 minutes a day, as recommended by Reader’s Digest, is effective.

  1. Polish mirrors.

You may wonder, but strong tea has a positive effect on mirrors. Reader’s Digest magazine suggests letting the tea cool before using it in a cloth. After wiping the mirror, wipe it with a soft, dry cloth.

  1. Condition your hair.

Mommy Savers recommends rinsing hair with brewed tea. After the hair is dry, rinse with water.

  1. Red Eye

Applying a warm, wet tea bag to the eyes can soothe the eyes and treat pink eye. According to Mommy Savers, this home remedy can also be used to reduce swelling.

  1. Blistering

To prevent blisters from festering, warm, wet tea bags can be placed on the affected area (Mommy Savers).

  1. Acne

According to Mommy Savers, washing your face with green tea relieves acne.

  1. Bruises

Place a tea bag of black tea soaked in water on the bruise for 5 minutes. According to Prevention magazine, “the tannins in tea constrict blood vessels, reducing swelling and inflammation. This allows the bruise to heal more quickly.

  1. Sunburn

The next time you get a light sunburn, try soothing it with a tea bag of black tea. Soak it in cold water and apply it to the burned skin to help it heal faster. According to Prevention magazine, you can also soak your entire body in a bath with tea to cool the burn all over.

  1. Dry and chapped lips

Prevention Medicine recommends pressing a wet tea bag of black tea against dry, chapped lips to help repair damaged skin cells.

  1. wrinkles

The antioxidants in green tea have wonderful benefits for aging skin. TODAY suggests soaking a tissue in chilled green tea and applying it to the face to relax.

  1. Insect bites

TODAY says to apply a wet tea bag to insect bites to relieve itching and discomfort.

This will help.

Tea has been consumed for centuries, but tea bags were invented around 1908. It was New York businessman Thomas Sullivan who came up with the idea of sending tea samples to his customers in silk bags. He mistakenly thought that he could just put the whole bag in the pot. Thus, the tea bag was born.