5 Reasons Why You Should Start Dry Brushing


A lot of the creams and gadgets on the market are not that effective and they cost a lot of money. Rather, experts recommend cutting our sugar and high-sugar foods, and following a Mediterranean diet.

They also state that invigorating dissemination and lymphatic waste – through back rub and get brushing – may help stave dry cellulite by evacuating the toxins that lead to the breakdown of connective tissue.

4. Improve Digestive Function

Because of its detoxifying impacts, dry skin brushing may even support a sound stomach related system.

This is because the lymphatic system functions with the stomach related framework to assimilate dietary fats and fat-solvent nutrients (like Vitamin D), before shipping these fats into the blood.

5. Fights Bloating

Numerous health and beauty experts use dry brushing to combat bloating because this invigorates the lymph hubs to expel the abundance of water and toxins that lead to that bloated feeling.

Follow your dry brushing session with a glass or two of warm water to stay hydrated and really help your body let go of that surplus water it’s holding.