5 ways to keep vegetables from freezer burn


I just don’t know what I would do without my freezer! I do my best not to waste food, which is why freezers are so convenient. However, it’s always disappointing to take vegetables out of the freezer and find that they’ve been ruined by freezer burn. To make sure your vegetables freeze properly, follow these tips.

  1. Let food cool
source: Macheesmo

A surefire way to burn food is to put it in the freezer while it is still warm or hot. Make sure whatever you freeze has cooled to at least room temperature before you close and store it.

  1. The colder the better
source: Cooking Light / istockphoto.com

When your freezer temperature fluctuates, it can lead to freezer burn. Make sure your freezer temperature is consistently below 0 degrees and try not to leave the freezer door open for very long.

  1. Fill your freezer
source: Real Simple

Another tip for preventing freezer burn? Keep your freezer about 75% full! When food is surrounded by other frozen foods, it helps regulate the temperature and keep everything cold.

  1. Store properly
source: Soup Chick

Not all types of food should be stored in the same containers. When storing food in bags, use sealable or vacuum-sealed bags to try to get as much air out as possible. Soups and sauces should ideally be stored in plastic containers with some space on top, as liquids expand when they freeze.

  1. The power of aluminum foil
source: teachtheyoungerwomen.wordpress.com

Aluminum foil works wonders if you don’t have an appropriate sized bag or container to freeze something in. Even if you’ve already stored something in a container or bag, wrapping it in a layer of aluminum foil will keep it cold.