If you have rust building up on your cooking utensils and other materials that you use around the house, then you know that they are ruined. If you haven’t done your best to prevent rust formation, then it is not too late because you can deal with this problem without the need of throwing away the rusty materials using these 6 effective methods.
1. Coke

Coke is a very delicious drink that can also be used to remove rust. If you have a pan that is slowly becoming rusty, pour some coke in it and let it sit for a couple of minutes, then grab tinfoil and start wipîng the pan clean. You will notice that the rust starts fading out after a couple of swipes.
2. Vinegar

Vinegar has numerous uses, and dealing with rust is surely one of them. Simply soak the rusty material you have in a container full of vinegar and let them sit for a few hours, then you will see rust starting to dissolve. Once the time has gone by, use warm water to rinse them and they will be as good as new.
3. Baking soda

Baking soda is like vinegar; they both have tons of uses around the house, and they both can deal with rust. Make a paste by mixing baking soda with some water, then apply the paste to the areas with rust in them, and let it sit for a while. Rust will start loosening up, then use a sponge to scrub it off.
4. Hydrogen peroxide

Pour some hydrogen peroxide on the rusty areas and let do its magic until the rust becomes loose, then use steel wool to scrub it off.
5. Lemons

Acid is a great compound that deals effectively with rust stains. You can use lemons for this job because they are one of the most acidic fruits out there. Start by sprinkling salt in the rusty pan and adding lemon juice to it, then use the lemon rind to scrub the mix and you will start seeing amazing results. The rust will start coming off easily and your pan will regain its former bright look.
6. Potato

Potatoes are shockingly useful, just sprinkle salt in the pan, then grab half a potato and start scrubbing the pan over the salt to get an amazing result in a relatively short amount of time.