7 Easy Ways To Cut Down On Waste And Save Money


4. Expiration Dates Aren’t That Strict

Sometimes, it’s not necessary to follow the recommended expiration date, you don’t need to be that strict with food. Sometimes, you can know if the food is going bad just by smelling, feeling it and using your common sense to know if your food has actually gone bad or not.

5. Spruce Up Leftovers

If you want to stop wasting food, you should stop wasting leftovers. If eating the same dish makes you feel bored, you can make stir fry, casseroles, pasta dishes, tacos, or even salads with the leftovers from the day before.

6. Freeze What You Can

If you check out some food item and it’s about to go bad and you’re afraid you won’t have the chance to eat it, you can freeze it instead of throwing it out. Most of the food can be frozen for quite a while as long as you store it properly in an airtight container.

7. Compost, Compost, Compost

If you use a compost container, you’re going to reduce the amount of your food waste a lot, you’ll be surprised at the difference it’s going to make! Your food will not only end up in your landfill, but it will break down into a natural fertilizer that you can use in your garden.