Why You Should Never Throw Away Potato Peels


Potato Peels for Skin Care

Potato strip is generally excellent for skin issues. You can use them to get rid of dark circles, for brightening your skin, treat skin break out, zits and whiteheads and also decrease over the top oil. You should simply apply some potato juice with the help of a cotton ball over the affected area. Keep it for 15-20 minutes and then wash with tepid water.

Potato strips for Hair Care

Potato skins can assist you with adding sparkle and gloss to hairs and additionally help them to become quicker. Apply potato strip squeeze on your scalp and delicately knead for 5 to 10 minutes. Leave it for an additional 15 minutes before you flush it off with typical water.

Good for Your Bones

Potato peels have certain minerals that are important for the maintenance of your bone structure and quality. These supplements incorporate iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, copper and zinc. Around 50-60% of the magnesium in your body lives during the bones. Eating potato skin can help in keeping up the bone thickness and could also decrease the danger of osteoporosis in ladies after menopause, as indicated by specialists at the National Institutes of Health.