Try This DIY Fabric Softener To Save Some Pennies!


I used to skip fabric softener to set aside some money, is it just me? Or do you also do that often? However, our clothes would get piles of static in them. I, at last, changed to this parsimonious DIY fabric softener that only needs two ingredients that everyone has at home. It also only takes a couple of minutes to make and you can alter the fragrance as well.

To make this homemade fabric softener you will require hair conditioner, vinegar, water, and a bottle to store the fabric softener. You will need to pick a conditioner that smells good, because your DIY fabric softener will smell like it. I pick Suave conditioner because it was overly cheap and smelled incredible!

Take an enormous bowl or estimating cup and pour 1 cup of white vinegar into it.

Afterward, measure 1 cup of conditioner. I personally like Suave Waterfall Mist because it smells amazing and I can usually get it at a bargain for around $.50. Add your conditioner to the vinegar, and don’t worry if it’s uneven, you can mix it to become blended easily.

Add the vinegar/conditioner blend to your storing bottle. I get my bottles from Amazon. They work extraordinary for any homemade cleaners. Then add two cups of high temp water and delicately shake to blend.

When you are doing clothing include around 1/4 cup of the DIY fabric softener or top your distributor off to the line.

Your garments will be gentler, in addition to smell extraordinary as well. Do you have any tips to keep your clothes static-free? I couldn’t imagine anything better than to hear them.