The Mother-Son Relationship Is Very Important


Mothers have a significant impact on their sons to the extent that their behavior in later years is attributed to their relationship with their mother. No other person understands a child better than a mother. From birth to adulthood, a boy has a deep connection with his mother. And this relationship is imperative to the overall development and emotional health of the child. Let’s look at how a mother influences her son:

Emotionally intelligent: boys who have a healthy relationship with their mothers from early childhood are emotionally strong and are thought to have fewer behavioral problems in their lives. The strong bond between mother and son allows him to feel secure and confident. Studies indicate that boys who do not have a healthy bond with their mothers in early childhood may be hostile and aggressive later in life.
Dr. Pasco Fearon of the University of Reading’s School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences said, “Children whose attachment was not secure with their mothers, especially boys, had significantly more behavioral problems, even when measured years later.

Emotionally intelligent: boys who have a healthy relationship with their mothers from early childhood are emotionally strong and are thought to have fewer behavioral problems in their lives. The strong bond between mother and son allows him to feel secure and confident. Studies indicate that boys who do not have a healthy bond with their mothers in early childhood may be hostile and aggressive later in life.
Dr. Pasco Fearon of the University of Reading’s School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences said, “Children whose attachment was not secure with their mothers, especially boys, had significantly more behavioral problems, even when measured years later.

Emotionally strong and independent: a boy loved and cared for by his mother grows into a confident man. A study published in the August 2011 issue of Child Development indicates that a mother’s unconditional love and acceptance reassures the son that he is lovable and capable of being a good friend and lover. The study also reveals that the more affectionate a mother is, the less likely the boy is to be distant and cold.
Good at school: A mother who takes a close interest in her son’s education helps him to be good at school. In addition to providing an education, she also helps him to become emotionally adequate, which is an absolute necessity for a healthy life.

Having control over their behavior: the emotional intelligence passed on by the mother helps the son develop the ability to express his thoughts. As a result, he develops self-control in the classroom and in social settings.
Don’t believe in male stereotypes: Boys raised by mothers don’t believe that they must always be tough or fight to prove their manhood. They believe it’s okay for boys to cry or express their emotions. They have lasting friendships.
Respect women: A close relationship with the mother will help a boy appreciate his role in life and his contribution to the family. He will learn to respect women in general because he is less likely to have superiority issues with his female counterparts.
Less risky behavior: Boys who are close to their mothers engage in less risky behavior. A positive mother-son relationship reduces the influence of peer pressure. Study finds that a boy’s mother has a major influence on his attitudes toward alcohol, drugs and sex.

Likely to succeed: A mother, who is involved in her son’s education and life, helps him to succeed professionally and personally. She becomes his friend, guide, philosopher and shows him the way to success.

Improves communication: a mother who is open in her communication becomes her son’s confidant. Her son can talk and share everything with her, even in adolescence and adulthood. This helps sons to communicate without any fear or inhibition.