10 Things Strong Independent People Always Do


By nature, humans are not meant to be independent creatures.

We are social animals who depend on the social ties, networks and communities around us to be the best we can be.

And we are taught from an early age the importance of friends and family, and the help they provide.

But some people are simply born to be independent.

They don’t have the same desire or need to seek the attention and validation of those around them, and they are more than happy to live their lives on their own terms.

If you think you’re an independent person, here are 10 signs you can look for to confirm it:

People say you have interesting tastes
Your tastes are described by others as interesting, sometimes even eclectic. And who can blame them?

You’re not afraid to admit what you really like. Instead of choosing the popular option, you like to experiment.
You’re not afraid to find out what you really like when it comes to media, food and experiences.

The idea of spending a day alone watching obscure movies or visiting a place you’ve never seen before is very exciting.

We are social animals who depend on the social ties, networks and communities around us to be the best we can be.

And we are taught from an early age the importance of friends and family, and the help they provide.

But some people are simply born to be independent.

They don’t have the same desire or need to seek the attention and validation of those around them, and they are more than happy to live their lives on their own terms.

If you think you’re an independent person, here are 10 signs you can look for to confirm it:

People say you have interesting tastes
Your tastes are described by others as interesting, sometimes even eclectic. And who can blame them?

You’re not afraid to admit what you really like. Instead of choosing the popular option, you like to experiment.
You’re not afraid to find out what you really like when it comes to media, food and experiences.

The idea of spending a day alone watching obscure movies or visiting a place you’ve never seen before is very exciting.

It doesn’t really bother you if you don’t have anyone to share your hobbies with.

Ultimately, you enjoy these things for what they are, not because you have a community or people to enjoy them with.

You are not afraid to ask for help
You have a pretty healthy relationship with failure and shortcomings.

Whenever you’ve faced an obstacle in your life, your instinct has been to turn to someone who is better equipped to advise or help you.

You are not afraid to reach out to others because you are sure of your strengths and weaknesses; small gaps in your skills and knowledge are not felt as points against you, but simply as avenues to explore.

You are the person people talk to
For some reason, you are the person people can count on.

You’re the person in charge in your groups of friends; you’re the person who gets the big accounts at work; you’re the person people turn to when it comes to solving problems and seeking solutions.

People gravitate to you because they know you are reliable and trustworthy. People know they can trust you to get things done.

Being reliable and trustworthy is a major asset.
Have you ever wondered what your best qualities are? What makes you unique and exceptional?

To help you find the answer, I’ve created a fun quiz. Answer a few personal questions and I’ll reveal what your personality “superpower” is and how you can use it to live your best life.

Check out my new revealing quiz here.

You are comfortable in your own skin
You don’t feel the need to change your look every time the seasons come and go and the latest fashions and trends hit the market.

Even if everyone around you is sporting the latest hairstyles, styles and even workouts, you’re more than happy to be yourself.

Why? Because you love yourself, your appearance and your body.

You don’t need the latest fashions to feel good about yourself, because you already feel good about yourself.

And the things that make you feel good about yourself don’t come from other people – they come from within you.

You’ve never been in a bad relationship
The great thing about being independent is that you’ll never be susceptible to the wit and charms of users and abusers.

Ask yourself if you’ve ever been in a bad relationship.

Some people ignore all the red flags because they are desperate to find someone who loves them, which locks them into abusive and toxic relationships.

But you can’t stand that, because you don’t need anything from your potential partners.

While it’s great to be in a loving relationship, you don’t need a loving relationship to feel like a whole person, and that means you’re a thousand times more selective and careful when choosing the person you call your partner.

The flip side is that you know what your partner really wants to be happy and fulfilled.

Watch this quick video to find out what men really want from a relationship (it’s definitely not what you think).

The video reveals a relationship “secret ingredient” that holds the key to a man’s love and devotion. The few women who know this secret ingredient have an absolutely unfair advantage in love.

You have more or less plans for the future
With independence comes a strong sense of self, and with that strong sense of self comes the need to plan for the future.

You are not obsessed with living in the present, because you know that planning for the future is the best way to ensure a happy and successful life, even if it means working now.

You have absolute control over your life. Even if you don’t always know what the best choice is, you’re usually on the right track and you don’t let outside influences lead you astray.

You’re happier on your own
Too many people have forgotten (or never understood) what it means to be happy alone.

So they need constant attention and companionship, they always need someone else to be there for them, to the point of being uncomfortable and nervous in their own solitude.

But you don’t need any of that. You do just fine on your own, and you can go for weeks, even months, without any intimate contact with anyone.

You don’t worry that your relationships will deteriorate because you don’t maintain them every day.

You feel safe with the people around you.

You have no problem saying no
Some of us have a hard time saying “no” to others.

We don’t want to disappoint anyone, and even though it bothers us, simply pleasing another person makes us feel better than doing anything for ourselves.

Why? Because we are dependent on their opinion of us and will do anything to protect it.

But you are not afraid to say no to people, even if it means hurting or disappointing those around you.

You have the strength to say no when something bothers you, and people respect that about you.

You don’t feel the need to put yourself second all the time, and you don’t even have to explain yourself.

You plan your weekends alone
You like to go out alone.

You go to restaurants, watch movies, go to the beach, shop for yourself – all without a companion and without a care in the world.

Why do you do this? Because you enjoy doing these things.

Some people feel shy and even shameless when they have to go somewhere alone, wondering if people are judging them because they are alone and have no friends.

But you don’t care about any of that; your idea of a good time is doing something that makes you happy, with or without other people.

You find yourself in leadership roles
Independent people have a strange tendency to constantly find themselves in leadership roles, even when they don’t mean to.

This is true in any situation – it could be a new project at work, or even something as trivial as planning an event in an online game.

Either way, you find yourself constantly leading other people, and you love it.


Because independent people don’t stop to think about what other people might think.

You make decisions quickly and easily because you can think objectively and without worrying about others.

You know how to take charge and organize people, because you know what it takes to get the job done.