How To Keep Bugs Out Of The Pool


If you have a swimming pool in your backyard, consider yourself lucky. There’s nothing quite like taking a refreshing dip on a hot summer day, is there? Although there are many benefits to owning a pool, trying to keeps bugs out of the water is one of the few downsides. However, one woman discovered an amazing (and unlikely!) hack to kill all of the bugs in her pool.

“I don’t know how or why, but apparently if you put a Magic Eraser in your pool, it attracts and/or kills wasps,” Jennifer Mason Leggett explained via her Facebook page. Her post went viral, and currently has over 12,000 shares. Take a look for yourself!

For some reason, the bugs in the pool were attracted to the Magic Eraser, and it seemed to do a pretty good job of containing them in one small area. That way, all you’d need to do is scoop them out! As it turns out, Magic Erasers are good for other aspects of pool care, too.

Lisa Pack explained on Facebook that when she noticed her pool becoming cloudy, she threw a Magic Eraser into the skimmer basket. She had seen someone else try this hack on Facebook, and thought she would give it a try. After leaving the Magic Eraser in the skimmer, all the cloudiness from her pool was gone.

Pretty neat, right? Who knew that such a cheap product (that you may already have under your kitchen sink) could be so handy around the pool? If you’re looking to rid your swimming pool of bugs or cloudiness, you might want to give these hacks a try.