seven ways to keep cockroaches out of your home


Like bedbugs, cockroach populations have been steadily increasing over the years. With warmer winters and the banning of many common pesticides, these disgusting bugs are becoming more common in our homes. These tips will help you to ensure that cockroaches (and other pests) don’t start to take hold in your home.

1. Diatomaceous Earth

source: Diatomaceous / iStock

Sprinkle the food-grade version of diatomaceous earth in any spots where you suspect roaches are hanging out. This stuff is powerful and will kill them pretty quickly.

2. DIY Cockroach Bait

source: LEAFtv / Shutterstock

Mix together three parts boric acid with one part powdered sugar. The sugar will attract the cockroaches while the boric acid kills them. You can sprinkle this underneath the sink, fridge, or in any other nooks and crannies they could be hiding.

3. Bay Leaves

source: Snopes / Shutterstock

According to many people, cockroaches hate bay leaves. You could plant some in your garden, or keep some potted inside your house. The smell will keep cockroaches from sticking around.

4. Coffee Grinds

source: The Hearty Soul / My Earth Garden

Coffee is another substance that cockroaches cannot stand. Take your old coffee grinds and add them to a container with warm water. The scent will act as a deterrent.

5. Lemon Rinds

source: No Sugarless Gum

Cockroaches hate anything that has a super acidic odor or taste. If you leave some lemon rinds in a jar with water, they will be sure to steer clear of the area.

6. Peppermint And Cypress Essential Oils

source: Life Beyond Organic / Shutterstock

Speaking of essential oils, cockroaches also despise these ones. Mix 8-10 drops of cypress oil with 8-10 drops of peppermint oil, then add to a spray bottle with warm water. Spray the solution in any insect-prone areas.

7. Tea Tree Oil

source: The Massage Advancer / Shutterstock

Cockroaches absolutely hate tea tree oil. You can wipe some on floors, in cupboards, cracks, and crevices where you suspect cockroaches might be hanging out. Just be aware that tea tree oil (and other essential oils) can be harmful to pets, so watch where you use them!