9 Things You’re Not Cleaning in Your Washing Machine


Washing machines – nothing you can’t do? Just kidding. There are many things that should not be washed in the washing machine. Furthermore, the washing machine itself must be washed, which is a hassle. Nevertheless, there are some surprising uses, even if not for all situations. Here are a few ways you should (and probably shouldn’t) use your washing machine for more than just regular clothes, towels, and bed linens.

Mold removal from plastic shower curtain liners

Shower curtain liners get mold over time, and when they do, you can throw them (or regular plastic shower curtains) in the washing machine, according to Molly Maid. You’ll want to use a low-temperature setting and throw in a couple of towels to help scrub the lining . When finished, simply return it to the original shower rod and leave it to dry.

Refresh pillows and cushions

While Styrofoam pillows should not be placed in the washing machine, regular pillows (and cushions) can also be placed in the washer for a more thorough cleaning as well as spot cleaning. Gentle washing with warm water and mild detergent and natural drying works best. When placing in the dryer, adding towels will speed up the entire process a bit. Tennis balls can also be thrown in during the drying process to fluff up the pillows. This goes for outdoor cushions as well.

Sometimes you can throw in car floor mats.

According to home expert Jill Nystul, you can machine clean car floor mats as long as they are “not too big or heavy.” Carpets and mats with rubber backings (e.g., for bathrooms) can also be washed, but if washed too often, the backing may lose its grip. If you really need these rugs and mats, wash them sparingly and vacuum them while they are being cleaned. The same goes for yoga mats, so don’t wash them in a spin.

Put your … Got a leather bag that’s been polished?

Leather is difficult to wash, so please research the type of leather you have and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. That said, Nystle also tried a method of cleaning leather bags and says, “Yes, just throw it in the water. Using 1/4 cup castile soap, on a gentle cycle, dry the purse in a low-heat dryer with a towel or let it dry naturally. After this ordeal, apply leather conditioner and your bag will thank you.

Disinfect grocery bags.

You probably jumped on the reusable grocery bag bandwagon. But you don’t need to think about the fact that those disposable bags may get dirty over time and contaminate your food. But what you should be thinking about now, according to Apartment Therapy, is that if your reusable bag is canvas, cotton, or polyester, it can be washed.

Removing Sweat and Sebum Stains from Hair Ties

When we walk around, especially when we sweat, we wrap them around the bottom of our bags, around our wrists, and around our hair. Because they are used over and over again, you want to wash them to remove grease, sweat, hairspray, and daily grime. Place them in a small mesh bag and put them in your next pack. (The same goes for reusable makeup sponges).

Floor cleaning mop

Squeezing a mop is not quite cleaning, but it is strangely satisfying. To do this, according to CNet, you can rely on your washing machine. Put your washer in a small load with hot water on the setting and put the mop head in a mesh bag. You can do this using only the detergent you always use, which will leave you with cleaner floors.

Make your sponges last longer.

Sponges get old very quickly, but you don’t have to replace them as soon as they start to smell or become discolored. Instead, set the machine to disinfect with boiling water and throw them in a small mesh bag. The same goes for bath sponges. It’s okay if they get wet. (You can even tuck them into the dishwasher for the next time you use them.)