24 Easy Ways to Protect Your Home from Break-Ins


How can you protect your air conditioning or car keys from burglars? Read on for clever tips and tricks to improve your home security.

Improving your home security

More than 3.5 million burglaries occur in the United States each year, and in more than 1 million of those cases, a family member is present. These statistics can make homeowners feel vulnerable and think their house could be next. Fortunately, there are simple steps that can be taken to strengthen home security and prevent break-ins. Discover the 36 easiest ways to protect your home from break-ins.

Shine a light.

To stop prowlers in their tracks, install motion-sensitive outdoor lights around your home. Burglars won’t want to enter your home when you’re in the spotlight.

Keep expensive purchases a secret.

Recently bought a new flat-screen TV or a fancy computer? Leaving empty cardboard boxes directly at the curb will let burglars know you have expensive electronics. Instead, break down and bag cardboard boxes until you can put them in the trash or recycle them, or cart them off to the dump.

Close the garage door.

Open garage doors are not only a target for thieves looking for bikes, tools and lawn care equipment. If you have an attached garage, your home could also be broken into if that door is open. Always close the garage door when entering or leaving your house. If you often forget to do this, purchase an automatic garage door opener or choose a smart garage door that can be operated from your smartphone and alert you when the door is open.

Don’t leave things unattended.

According to the Burglary Prevention Association, 34% of burglaries are obtained through the front door. If your front door is open, your keys, phone and other valuables are visible, which only gives thieves more reason to get into your room and get a hold of your belongings. Whether you are checking your mail or carrying groceries, keep small valuables in your hands or on your person when the front door is open, even if the blinds are closed.

Install security cameras

Thieves will choose any means to take your valuables. The only exception is a security camera in front of you. Install outdoor security cameras near the entrances and exits of your home. When a suspicious person approaches, you can see them in real time on a connected monitor. You can also view the recorded footage and send it to your local police department if necessary.

Door and key updates.

Believe it or not, one of the most common ways burglars break in is by kicking in the door. Install a latch lock on the door with a latch length (throw) of at least 1 inch.