7 ways to get rid of spiders in a house naturally


Spiders are one of the most unpleasant things we can find in our homes. Even if they don’t really bother us, I guess you’d rather not see a spider scurrying by when you’re trying to watch TV. If you want to get rid of spiders in your home without using harsh chemicals, try these simple, natural methods instead.

  1. Distilled vinegar
    Distilled vinegar is good for everything. Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle and spray the solution on baseboards, along floors and in cracks and nooks.
source: Simply Flourishing Home

2- Turmeric
Turmeric is a very strong spice and spiders hate it. Mix a few teaspoons of turmeric and water to a paste, then dip cotton balls or small pieces of cloth in it. If you place them around the house, the spiders will stay away! Just make sure the turmeric paste does not come in direct contact with surfaces, as it will stain them.

3- Peppermint oil
Spiders hate the strong smell of peppermint. Apply a few drops of peppermint oil to cotton balls and place them on any areas where you’ve noticed spiders hiding before.

source: David Wolfe

4-Citrus peels
Another thing spiders can’t stand? Citrus fruits. You can take citrus peels (orange is usually best) and gently rub them into cracks and crevices. You can also leave citrus peels on windowsills, etc. as an extra precaution.

source: Gardening Know How / Flickr

5- Coconut oil
Just when you thought you couldn’t love coconut oil anymore. Mix one part coconut oil with two parts water in a spray bottle. Spray spider-prone areas. Plus, your house will smell great!

source: Healthy Coconut Oil

6- Peppermint oil and dish soap
Many people rely on this method. Simply mix peppermint essential oil, dishwashing soap and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on spider-prone areas and spiders are sure to stay away.

source: Love, Palmer

7- Cedar mulch
Spiders (and other pests) hate cedar. You can spread cedar mulch in your garden and around your home to deter spiders from entering.

source: The Self-Sufficient Living