Quesadillas de Camarones


Picture a vibrant platter adorned with sizzling Quesadillas de Camarones, their golden-brown tortillas crisped to perfection. As you lift one, the cheese stretches in a tantalizing thread, revealing plump, tender shrimp nestled amidst a colorful mosaic of caramelized onions and peppers. Each bite bursts with the essence of Mexico—spicy, savory, and utterly irresistible.

These quesadillas aren’t just a dish; they’re a journey to the sun-drenched coastlines where flavors dance on the breeze and every meal is a celebration of culinary artistry.

Crafted with care, each element plays its part: the creamy Monterey Jack cheese melds with the smoky sweetness of grilled vegetables, while the Mexican red sauce infuses a touch of tangy heat. Together, they create a symphony of flavors that evoke memories of lively markets and beachside cantinas.

Whether enjoyed as a comforting meal on a lazy Sunday afternoon or shared among friends at a festive gathering, these quesadillas promise more than nourishment—they offer a sensory experience that lingers long after the last bite.

Quesadillas de Camarones

Yields: 6 servings

Prep Time: 15 mins

Cook Time: 20 mins

Total Time: 35 mins


  • 6 Flour Tortillas
  • 12 large Shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • 8 oz Mexican Red Sauce
  • 1 large Onion
  • 1 Red Bell Pepper
  • 1 Green Bell Pepper
  • 2 cups Cheese, grated (Monterey Jack recommended)
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • Salt, to taste


  1. Prepare the Shrimp: Pour the Mexican red sauce over the shrimp and set aside to marinate while you prepare the other ingredients.
  2. Cook the Vegetables: Chop the onion and bell peppers into large pieces. Heat olive oil in a skillet over high heat and cook the vegetables until they start to caramelize and develop a slight char. Remove from skillet and set aside.
  3. Cook the Shrimp: Using the same skillet, cook the marinated shrimp over high heat until they turn opaque, stirring occasionally. Add a little water if the sauce starts to dry out. Remove shrimp from skillet and chop into bite-size pieces.
  4. Assemble the Quesadillas: In a separate skillet, heat a little butter. Place one tortilla in the skillet and layer with cheese, caramelized vegetables, and chopped shrimp. Top with a little more cheese and place another tortilla on top.
  5. Cook the Quesadillas: Cook the quesadilla on both sides until golden brown and the cheese is melted, adding more butter before flipping to ensure the tortilla stays moist.
  6. Serve: Remove the quesadilla from the skillet and slice into wedges. Serve hot with sides like rice, beans, salsa, sour cream, and guacamole.


These Quesadillas de Camarones transcend mere food; they embody a symphony of bold flavors and culinary ingenuity. Imagine the succulent shrimp, delicately marinated in Mexican red sauce, mingling with the smoky sweetness of caramelized onions and peppers. Each bite offers a harmonious blend of textures—creamy melted cheese enveloping tender shrimp and crisp vegetables, all nestled within a golden tortilla shell.

What sets these quesadillas apart is their ability to transform a simple dish into a gourmet delight. The sweetness of the shrimp is enhanced by the charred edges of grilled vegetables, creating a depth of flavor that dances on the palate. The Monterey Jack cheese, with its rich, buttery notes, binds everything together into a satisfying union of taste and texture.

Whether served as the centerpiece of a festive gathering or enjoyed as a comforting meal on a quiet evening, these quesadillas promise to captivate with their irresistible allure. The aroma of sizzling cheese and savory shrimp fills the air, evoking memories of bustling Mexican markets and seaside eateries. Each bite is a reminder of culinary craftsmanship, where every ingredient plays a crucial role in crafting a dish that delights all the senses.

Versatile and adaptable, these quesadillas can be paired with a variety of accompaniments—fresh salsa, tangy sour cream, creamy guacamole—or simply enjoyed on their own. They invite you to savor the essence of Mexico, where food is not just sustenance but a celebration of culture and community.

Source of the picture : thepioneerwoman