Apple, Raisin, and Almond Muffins: A Cozy Treat for Every Occasion


Imagine waking up to the enticing aroma of freshly baked muffins filling your home. These Apple, Raisin, and Almond Muffins offer that comforting experience and more. They’re the perfect blend of soft, fluffy batter and a deliciously crunchy, fruity topping. Ideal for breakfast, an afternoon snack, or even a light dessert, these muffins bring together the natural sweetness of apples and raisins with the rich, nutty flavor of almonds. The hint of cinnamon adds warmth, making these muffins a cozy treat for any time of the year.

Preparation Time:

  • Prep Time: 40 minutes
  • Cook Time: 25 minutes
  • Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes


For the Muffins:

  • 1 large egg
  • 70 grams of granulated sugar
  • 8 grams of vanilla sugar
  • A pinch of sea salt
  • 80 milliliters of milk (substitute with almond milk for a dairy-free version)
  • 70 milliliters of vegetable oil (or melted coconut oil for a richer flavor)
  • 150 grams of all-purpose flour
  • 7 grams of baking powder

For the Topping:

  • 1 medium apple, peeled, cored, and finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice
  • 2-3 tablespoons of raisins (or dried cranberries for a twist)
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sliced almonds
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar (brown sugar adds a deeper flavor)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon


1. Prepare the Muffin Pan: Start by preheating your oven to 180°C (350°F). Grease a 12-cup muffin pan with butter or a light coating of oil. If you prefer, you can line the cups with paper liners for easy removal and a more polished presentation.

2. Create the Muffin Batter: In a large bowl, whisk together the egg, granulated sugar, vanilla sugar, and a pinch of sea salt until the mixture becomes pale and frothy. This step is crucial as it helps to incorporate air into the batter, making your muffins light and tender.

Slowly add the milk and vegetable oil to the egg mixture, whisking continuously to combine. If you’re using melted coconut oil, make sure it’s not too hot, as it could cook the egg.

In a separate bowl, sift together the flour and baking powder. Gradually fold this dry mixture into the wet ingredients using a spatula. Be gentle during this process to avoid overmixing, which can lead to dense muffins. The goal is to achieve a smooth batter with no lumps of flour.

3. Prepare the Topping: Peel and core the apple, then chop it into small, uniform pieces. Toss the apple with a teaspoon of lemon juice to keep it from browning and to enhance its natural flavor.

In a small bowl, combine the chopped apple with the raisins and sliced almonds. You can adjust the quantities of raisins and almonds based on your taste preference. For a slightly different flavor profile, try substituting the raisins with dried cranberries or chopped dried apricots.

In another small dish, mix the sugar with the ground cinnamon. This cinnamon sugar mixture will add a delightful spiced sweetness to the muffins.

4. Assemble the Muffins: Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin cups, filling each about two-thirds full to leave room for the topping and rising.

Evenly distribute the apple, raisin, and almond mixture over the tops of the muffins. Finish by sprinkling each muffin with a generous pinch of the cinnamon sugar mixture. The sugar will caramelize during baking, creating a sweet, crunchy topping.

5. Bake the Muffins: Place the muffin pan in the preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. The muffins are ready when they’re golden brown on top and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean or with just a few crumbs attached.

Once baked, remove the muffins from the oven and let them cool in the pan for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack. This cooling step ensures that the muffins set properly and develop their final texture.

6. Optional Finishing Touch: For an extra touch of indulgence, brush the tops of the cooled muffins with a light glaze made from apricot jam or honey. This adds a beautiful sheen and an extra layer of flavor that complements the fruit and nuts.

Serving Suggestions:

Serve these muffins warm with a pat of butter, or at room temperature with a cup of tea or coffee. They’re also delicious when paired with a side of yogurt or fresh fruit for a wholesome breakfast. If you’re feeling indulgent, try serving them with a scoop of vanilla ice cream as a dessert.

Tips for Perfect Muffins:

  • Uniform Apple Pieces: Chop the apple into evenly sized pieces to ensure even baking and a consistent texture.
  • Gentle Mixing: Overmixing the batter can result in tough muffins, so fold the ingredients together just until combined.
  • Ingredient Variations: Feel free to experiment with different dried fruits or nuts to customize the muffins to your liking.

Health Benefits:

  • Apples: Rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants, apples support digestive health and help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Raisins: Naturally sweet and packed with iron, raisins offer a healthy dose of energy and contribute to overall wellness.
  • Almonds: High in healthy fats, protein, and vitamin E, almonds provide a satisfying crunch and contribute to heart health.

Storage Tips:

Store any leftover muffins in an airtight container at room temperature for up to three days. For longer storage, you can freeze the muffins for up to a month. When you’re ready to enjoy them, simply thaw at room temperature or warm them in the oven.

What Makes These Muffins Special:

These muffins stand out not just for their delightful combination of flavors but also for their versatility. Whether you enjoy them as a breakfast treat, a midday snack, or a dessert, they’re sure to satisfy. The combination of sweet apples, chewy raisins, and crunchy almonds, all topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar, makes every bite a delicious experience.


These Apple, Raisin, and Almond Muffins are more than just a simple baked good—they’re a celebration of wholesome ingredients and comforting flavors. Easy to make and even easier to enjoy, they’re the perfect addition to your baking repertoire. Whether you’re sharing them with loved ones or savoring them on your own, these muffins are sure to become a favorite in your home. So gather your ingredients, preheat your oven, and treat yourself to these delightful muffins today!

Source of the picture : Barbara O’Neill Lectures