A Really Genius Trick To Keep Your Home Cool Without Air Conditioning



Tragically, next to no people really have air conditioning in their home. Bunches of individuals purchase fans, as they’re effectively open and not excessively costly, yet fans just blow around the warm air and don’t really cool your home. The light breeze gives some alleviation, however, your home will stay warm. Fortunately, we have discovered a stunt to transform your fan into a cooling unit.

Fan and solidified water

You can without much of a stretch make a cooling unit from your fan. Fill two enormous containers with water and put them in the cooler until the water has solidified totally. At that point, place the jugs on the floor (or on a table if you have a standing fan) on a collapsed tea towel. Spot the fan behind the containers. Along these lines, the fan will blow truly cool air, created by the ice in the containers, around your home. This will allow the temperature to really descend.