Clean or Replace These Things Regularly


<< Clean or Replace These Things Regularly, Because If You Haven’t Noticed, They’re Absolutely Vile>>

When was the last time you changed your pillows? Have you cleaned your keyboard? You use things every day that are perfectly fine (“fine” meaning “functional”), and frankly, that is absolutely disgusting. More realistically, there is a good chance that small things can add up and make you sick, or worse, make you feel ill when you finally do get sick. Here’s a list of things lurking in your home or office that are secretly dirty and need to be cleaned or replaced.

Your Pillows.

How often you should change your pillows is a matter of debate, but many people recommend changing your pillows every two years to keep them free of dust, dead skin cells, dust mites, and dust. …… They may contain dead dust mites, mold, or other harmful substances. A 10-ounce pillow doubles in weight in three years, and all of the increased volume is dead dust mites and other harmful substances that you don’t want under your head.

If you are using cheap pillows and are considering replacing them, but if you like your pillows, use expensive pillows, or are not allergic to dust mites, you may not need to replace them. Regular washing (or hand washing) with other sheets and tumbling in a hot dryer will keep your pillows clean and fluffy while eliminating the mite problem. You can also purchase machine-washable pillowcases with zippers to create a protective barrier between your face and an old, dirty pillow. If you have to remove the pillowcase to wash it and the pillow is yellowing, it may be time for a new pillowcase.


Keyboards are disgusting. Seriously, they are dirtier than toilet seats. This is true of any toilet seat, but you should definitely clean your keyboard as soon as possible. I’ve shown you how to do this, and I keep it tidy by gently wiping it down a few times with Magic Eraser (it’s a bit abrasive, so be careful not to scrub off the letters). If you have been using it for a long time, you may want to give it a thorough cleaning after removing the individual keys.


When was the last time you changed your toothbrush? Now, you don’t have to change your toothbrush every time you get sick, but dentists recommend changing your toothbrush every three months or so, but only about 9% of people actually do this!

One of the problems with leaving your toothbrush unused is that it becomes a host for bacteria and viruses, making you more susceptible to disease. However, the longer a toothbrush is left unattended, the larger these bacterial flora become. In addition, as the bristles of the toothbrush become softer and worn over time, the toothbrush’s overall cleaning effectiveness decreases. Consider replacing it or purchasing a toothbrush with a replaceable head.

Light switches and door handles

These harmless devices are everywhere, touched by everyone, and never cleaned, especially in public places. However, in public places, these two things can become germ-filled beasts that can attack passersby. Think about how many people, both washed and unwashed, touched the bathroom door in your office as they entered and exited. Some people don’t bother to wash, while others get even wetter by pushing light switches or holding door handles with wet hands. In the home, clean light switches and door handles as you clean other parts of the house. This does not need to be done very often. In the office, wash your hands thoroughly, keep hand sanitizer nearby, open the door with a paper towel to dry your hands as you leave the bathroom, and throw it in the trash can next to the door as you leave.

Your Trash Bin.

Taking out the trash is not the same as cleaning out the bin. Especially if you have a large outdoor trash can, the lid and body of your garbage can is probably dirty from having it hauled away each week by a trash hauler. Spray a small amount of disinfectant on the trash can before bringing it back inside or putting a new bag in the kitchen trash can. Every few weeks, give the tub a good wash with bleach, clean and condition it, and make sure the lid is free of small colonies of bacteria. You may also want to wash your hands every time you take out the trash or change the bag, just to be safe.

Your Cell Phone

Both cell phones and traditional phones are dirty. In particular, cell phones often carry fecal bacteria, and one study concluded that the number is alarmingly high. That’s right, feces. Not surprising to me, considering how many people bring their cell phones into the bathroom.