DIY Blanket Ladder For Only $10


You will need

  • 2 pieces – 6′ long 2×4’s for your side pieces and
  • 4 pieces – 18′ long 2×3’s to hang your covers on.

2. Sand all the pieces down with medium coarseness sandpaper so they are smooth and have no unpleasant edges. You don’t need anything getting your pretty toss covers.

3. Screw everything together. This part is so simple. I spread everything out to perceive how far separated I needed my “means” to be. I settled on 14 inches separated. So you should quantify along within your 2×4’s and imprint 14 inches on each side. I began 14 crawls from the top and worked my way down. You will have a bigger hole at the base of your stepping stool to give the covers a lot of space to hang.

Presently screw in each progression where you checked 14 inches. Make certain to keep everything straight with the goal that you don’t have an abnormal lopsided stepping stool. We wouldn’t need that!

4. Time to stain. I chose to go with MINWAX wood finish JACOBEAN. This is additionally the stain I have used on my coasting racks and mantle so everything will integrate in my parlor.

I like to used a men’s sock to apply my stain. We have found it works best and leaves it with a perfectly smooth finish and minimal overabundance to wipe off. Once you have recolored to your ideal color you have to polyurethane your stepping stool.

Here is the specific polyurethane I used for this sweeping stepping stool.
And that’s it friends!