DIY Electrolyte Drink To Cure Cold, Flu, And Poisoning


Those tragic minimal polished eyes wake up and pout “momma… I don’t feel better”.

We surely don’t live in an air pocket, and as tireless as I work at keeping the girls’ invulnerable systems developed to battle the bugs productively, on more than one occasion a winter the immune system needs to clean house and we have a bug move through.

I am a major adherent to tuning in to our children when they are debilitated

If they don’t want to eat that is fine by me. Let their bodies use vitality to battle the disease as opposed to processing food! But they do need to remain hydrated so their organs and insusceptible framework can carry out their responsibility.

A superior hydrating decision using real food ingredients

While mineral-rich bone broth is forever my first beverage offer, even my young ladies who like bone soup won’t almost certainly taste on it throughout the day. A couple of years back when my first girl got her first cool I did a snappy oddity out at the fixing list in the Pedialyte isle and concluded I would simply make my own. A blend of purifying lemon and vitality giving crude nectar was invited by my little one at that point. Furthermore, the ocean salt snuck up all of a sudden that kept her electrolytes in balance while she fended off her first virus.

Simply shake it up in the container prep!

Over the most recent 2 years, I have nailed down the fixing sums I like to utilize –  AND made it a productive and brisk procedure to make. This momma of 3 doesn’t possess a lot of energy for messing with blending, estimating, and heating. This formula has actually dumped the fixings in a 16 ounces bricklayer container and give it a shake. Done.

A couple of notes!

  • This formula makes a 16 ounces bricklayer container splendidly. My young ladies are more youthful and regularly won’t drink more than this sum in one day while they are sick. It is a pleasant add up to make for them to taste on in limited quantities during the day. If you have more established children, or will use it for yourself while sick you can twofold, triple, or more into a pitcher. When I make it for myself I twofold it into a quart bricklayer container.
  • Make the blend into popsicles! Perfect for scratchy throats too! (And may I include getting teeth little children?!)
  • Since a large portion of the resistant framework dwells in the gut, I also prefer to add probiotics to the container in the event that I haven’t had the option to get them in some other manner during the day.
  • I have one of these super simple lemon juicers – it’s snappy enough for occupied momma!
  • These elderberry popsicles are another extraordinary thought to have close by during ailment.
  • At the point when the kiddo’s stomachs want to eat strong foods once more, here is a great Post Tummy Bug Recovery Smoothie to bring solids once more into their gut.

If you don’t mind note this beverage isn’t reasonable for babies younger than 1 thinking about the crude nectar and sharpness of the lemons. Children under 1 ought to nurture but much as could be expected during sickness, and if the toddler isn’t nursing you can use coconut water to hydrate.