DIY Frankincense Whipped Face Cream



Ass the coconut oil, jojoba oil and beeswax to your twofold evaporator and warmth over low just until it’s dissolved, mixing every now and again until very much consolidated.

Move the blend to the blender and allow it to cool totally. It will solidify – it should.

After it’s cool and solidified, go through a fork to break the blend inside the blender and mix in around 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel.

Next, mix the blend on high for around 30 seconds. Mix and mix shortly of aloe vera gel at once. Try not to include it at the same time or it won’t consolidate. It will take a few minutes to get the aloe to mix easily. You’ll know it’s working when it begins to resemble a thick moisturizer.

When it takes a cream structure, include the essential oils and keep on blending until they’re consolidated. Mix until you have the surface you need.


Apply your frankincense whipped face cream in the wake of using your toner. It can also be used on your hands or some other region of skin requiring additional dampness.