Lemons are one of the best fruits nature has to offer, its richness in antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamin C give it incredible features that are beneficial for health and make its taste stand out when it comes to cooking. Many people decide to cook with and that’s basically it, but only a few freeze lemons, want to know why? Keep reading for more information.
1) Lemon peel is the best part
Lemon peels have 10 times more vitamins than the flesh or the juice. Freezing lemons gives you the possibility to grate them into food because of the firm status they have when frozen. The peels are beneficial health-wise on so many different levels, so try to add them more into your diet.

2) Lemons are rich in Vitamin C
Vitamin C can help you fight against the flu, neutralize aging free radicals, and the common cold. A large lemon can provide 53 mg of the C vitamin which covers 90% of the daily need.

3) Lemons help our bodies repair
When it comes to collagen production, vitamin C is an essential element in that process. Collagen is an agent responsible for helping the body to form tendons, new bone, blood vessels, and repair wounds.

4) Lemons are more versatile when they’re frozen
Freezing and grating lemons reduce their sourness and heavy flavor if you don’t like that punchy taste. This method allows you to keep the full lemon potentials without losing any vitamins, unlike cooking lemons that reduce some of the C vitamins. All you have to do is sprinkle the frozen lemon on your dishes to add in a softer acid flavor.