Housekeeping Tips : How to Clean Your Couch cushions


When I first moved out of my parents’ house, I rented a small apartment and bought some furniture (bed, chairs tables, etc), and even though it wasn’t much, it was a comfortable place to live in, but somehow something was missing and I didn’t quite understand why. Fast-forward a couple of months, I bought a couch because why not, and just like that, the void that existed in my small apartment has been finally filled, since then, I fell in love with couches and I hated cleaning them because it was so hard. Fortunately, I founded 6 easy ways to clean couch cushions, and I’m going to share them with you guys.

1. clean your fabric

If you have a fabric couch, then you have the easiest couch type to clean because they are designed to last longer after a cleaning session. Initiate the cleaning process with 5 minutes of continuous vacuuming in order to eliminate crumbs, hair, dust, and dunder, then attach the specialty attachment to your vacuum to gain access to crannies as well as nooks (this process will help your couch last longer because it removes dirt that wears it out). Once done, remove the stains using a commercial stain remover. After 5 minutes, mix dish soap with water and clean your couch for another 5 minutes, then use a clean cloth to gently scrub and wipe the couch clean.


2. Make microfiber new again

Microfiber couches are my all-time favorites because they are so comfortable, surprisingly affordable, and easy to clean.

Important notice: Keep in mind that microfiber couches should not be cleaned with water.

To clean your microfiber couch, make sure to use an alcoholic solution. Rubber alcohol and vodka are the best microfiber couch cleaners because they don’t leave you with any smell or color. Spray the chosen alcoholic solution on directly on your microfiber couch, then use a clean cloth to wipe it clean. Use a dry and clean sponge to fluff your microfiber couch once it’s completely dry.


3. Get rid of stubborn odors

If stains are not the problem and a bad smell is your couch’s problem, then start by removing hair and dust using your vacuum, then sprinkle baking soda on your couch and let it sit for half an hour before vacuuming one more time. However, if your couch smells stale or musty, then it is most likely because of air circulation or humidity problems in the living area. To solve this problem, use baking soda to get rid of the musty smell from your couch. You can also take your couch outside to give it a nice sunbath.

source: HUNKER

4. Polish up your leather couch

Leather couches are not my cup of tea, but they have a special place in my heart. Over the years I found it hard to clean my leather couch, but I found this method that makes the process way easier and it is done only once every 6 months.

Start by removing crumbs from in between the cushions using a vacuum machine. Once done, mix water and vinegar and use the obtained solution to clean the grime and dirt (don’t worry the solution won’t leave you with any kind of residue). Use a white soft cleaning cloth to gently rub the solution onto the leather. Once done, rub again with a clean and dry towel (make sure that all the nooks are dry because leather hates moisture).


5. Special treatment for white leather

White leather couches demand more attention because they can easily absorb dirt and can even look yellow after cleaning them, but you can get the good old white color back easily using this simple method.

Mix Dawn with water and Oxiclean to create a DIY white leather cleaner. To clean the tight and stitching areas, make sure to use an old toothbrush. For large areas, make sure to use Magic Eraser, but make sure to use it carefully and gently to avoid damaging the leather.

source: H2O BUNGALOW

6. Clean your leather with just one ingredient

Leather couches have a wide spectrum of methods that can be used to clean them, but this one stands out because it requires only one simple ingredient “COCONUT OIL”. YES! Coconut oil can be used to clean leather couches. Use a white and clean cloth to rub the oil into the leather and the dirt stuck on the leather’s surface will come off easily, then use another clean white cloth to wipe off the excess coconut oil. Make sure to clean your couch in sections and not all at once to clean the whole couch evenly.

source: MOM 4 REAL


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