How To Attract Dragonflies And Their Benefits To Your Garden


Build a dragonfly pond with the following aquatic plants for natural pest control. Never worry about mosquitoes, termites, deer, black flies, horse flies or midges!

Dragonflies are not only beautiful, they are among the most effective bug exterminators on the planet.

According to Smithsonian Magazine, a single dragonfly can eat hundreds of mosquitoes a day.

They are also adept at hunting other pests and carriers of diseases, consuming up to 15% of their own weight per day in mosquitoes (90% of their diet), termites, deer flies, black flies, flies horse and midges, according to Popular. Mechanical.

“Because they are the main predators in the insect world, they keep a balance with the insects in your garden,” says landscaper Christine Cook at HGTV.

Attracting dragonflies to your garden requires two simple steps: build a pond, plant a few plants.

Pond: The pond can be as simple as a barrel or a water tank or an elaborate oasis:

If you want to opt for the latter, here’s how to dig and cover your pond with a rubber liner and stones.

According to Popular Mechanics, the pond does not need to be large or filtered, but must be located in an area protected from the wind and capable of receiving five or six hours of midday sun.

The depth should be very shallow at the edges and about 2 feet in the center. Too shallow a pond can overheat or dry out, while deeper areas provide refuge from predators.

Add flat stones around the perimeter so that the dragonflies can rest and bask in the sun and more stones emerge from the pond to create hiding places for the larvae during the underwater growth phase.

Do not introduce fish, frogs or ducks that feed on nymphs and eggs.

And of course, keep all poisons and fertilizers out of the water.