How To Attract Dragonflies And Their Benefits To Your Garden


Plants: What you plant in and around the pond is essential to the survival of a dragonfly.

“Cattails and grassy foliage keep larvae out of the pond,” Cook told HGTV. And ‘water lilies are the preferred birthplace of certain species of dragonflies. “

Water lilies also provide shade and algae in check, she said. Cook recommends starting the water lilies in pots or containers with no holes in the bottom, three-quarters full of soil rich in organic matter.
Place the water lily in the ground, leaving the top of the tuber exposed. Add gravel on top to keep the soil from floating and place the lily 1 to 2 feet deep in the water. Push it more in the winter so it doesn’t freeze.
Dragonflies also like an herb called Glyceria Maxima, also known as “Great Manna Grass” or “Reed Manna Grass”, according to

“Dragonflies spend most of their lives as nymphs underwater. Therefore, when it comes time to take flight, they emerge from the water by climbing the stems of their favorite pond plants. Glyceria Maxima is one such plant, as it has perfect stems and leaves for newly emerged dragonflies to hang onto while they dry and develop their wings. ”