Frequently Asked Questions on How to Clean a Dishwasher
Did the above steps help you understand how to make the inside of your appliance sparkle and remove odors? Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about cleaning your dishwasher.
Q: Can I put bleach in my dishwasher?
Bleach is great for disinfecting your dishwasher and removing mold. Nevertheless, bleach can damage stainless steel surfaces and should never be used in a dishwasher with a stainless steel interior or stainless steel parts.
Q: How often should I clean my dishwasher with vinegar?
You should clean your dishwasher with vinegar about once a month. Clean the dishwasher more frequently if there is an odor or food debris buildup at the bottom of the utensils or if the dishes are still dirty after one cleaning.
Q: How can I clean my dishwasher without using vinegar?
There are many ways to clean your dishwasher without using vinegar. Simply start empty and run one of the following cycles: add a packet of unsweetened lemonade mix to the detergent dispenser, add 1 cup of lemon juice to the dishwasher bowl and place on the top rack, or add 1 cup of baking soda and sprinkle on the bottom of the dishwasher.
Or try a dishwasher-specific cleaner such as Affresh or Finish Dishwasher Cleaner.

Q: Do all dishwashers have filters?
A: All dishwashers have filters. Some filters are cleaned automatically, while others require the filter to be removed and cleaned by hand. Older dishwashers tend to have self-cleaning filters and newer dishwashers tend to have manual filters.
Even if your dishwasher is equipped with a self-cleaning filter (check your owner’s manual), you will need to clean the bottom of the dishwasher periodically to remove large food items, broken glass, and other debris. Consider wearing gloves for this task. It is also helpful to use a toothbrush to brush off any stuck-on items.
Q: How do I clean the dishwasher filter?
The manual filter should be removed and cleaned every month or two, or more frequently if you notice odors, food residue, or reduced efficiency. Dishwasher filters should be cleaned according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Typically, the filter is removed by sliding the bottom rack out. The filter is a cylindrical object and may be marked with an arrow indicating the direction to twist.
Hand wash the filter in warm soapy water. If necessary, scrub with a soft sponge or old toothbrush. Before reinstalling, clean the area where the filter is located to remove any food debris and wipe with a rag if necessary.