How To Clean A Wooden Cutting Board


Baking soda additionally evacuates any intense stains and goes about as a degreaser.

Vinegar, lemons, and limes are extraordinary for degreasing and cleaning surfaces. They can be used together or independently with water as a generally useful cleaning arrangement and surface sanitizer.

The Salt will eliminate microbes by drying them out,  it coaxes water out of bacteria through their cell layers and this drying out will forestall the concoction responses they rely upon to endure and repeat.

How to use these ingredients:

To begin with, wash cutting board under virus running water to evacuate abundance obvious nourishment particles. Spot it level on the counter and sprinkle genuine salt everywhere throughout the pre-owned surface.

Sprinkle baking soda and set aside for around ten minutes so the baking soda and salt can do their work.

Wet the baking soda and salt with your favorite liquid and let it bubble. You can use the slice of lime or lemon to rub everywhere throughout the surface. The abrasiveness of the lime may helo with evacuating any stain. It will also spread the other ingredients equally, put in in a safe place for another ten minutes. Then wash with warm water and put it to air dry by handing or in a standing position.