How To Clean And Maintain Your Shower Curtain


Check this method out and your shower curtain will always be looking clean again.

No one gets a kick out of the chance to go through hours cleaning their home – in any event, we don’t. The fight against mold and bacteria can occupy a lot of time which can be extremely disappointing, particularly if you don’t have a ton of time in the first place. That is the reason we have a stunt for you that will come in extremely helpful when you’re cleaning the bathroom! Probably the hardest thing in your home to keep clean is your shower drape. It can begin to get mildew covered before long. However, what do you do at that point: buy another one or give it a decent clean?

This tip will guarantee that you don’t have to purchase another shower curtain each time it gets somewhat messy. It’s simple, cheap, and easy!


You just need a few elements for this cleaning stunt, and there’s a decent possibility you as of now have each of the three of these things in a pantry at home. You’ll require:

  • Laundry detergent
  • 100 grams of baking soda
  • A sprinkle of white vinegar