How To Clean Tarnished Silver In Seconds.


Are your cherished silverware and jewelry losing their luster? Worry not! I recently discovered a quick and effortless trick that not only deep cleans your silver pieces but also banishes tarnish in a matter of minutes. The best part? You probably have everything you need in your kitchen.

I stumbled upon this method while contemplating what to do with a set of silverware that had been gathering dust for years. A decision to declutter led me to consider donating them after a thorough clean. Skeptical yet hopeful, I tried this straightforward technique, and the results were astonishing!

Here’s how to breathe new life into your silver treasures:

  1. Begin by filling a pot with water. Add a scrunched-up bundle of aluminum foil to the water. Yes, regular kitchen foil works wonders! Bring the water to a boil until it starts bubbling.
  2. Once the water is bubbling, carefully introduce a tablespoon of baking soda. Word of advice: use a larger pot and fill it most of the way with water to avoid any spillage. The combination of water and baking soda creates an effervescent solution that works magic on silver.
  3. Exercise caution when handling the hot water. Use tongs to place your silver pieces into the bubbling concoction and let them sit for about 30 seconds to a minute. The reaction is fascinating to watch!
  4. After their brief spa treatment, retrieve the silverware with the tongs and give them a rinse in cool water. Be cautious during this step to avoid burns.

The transformation is remarkable! Witness the brilliance of your silver pieces restored to their former glory. I was amazed at the difference it made for my silverware collection. Take a look at the side-by-side comparison – it’s truly unbelievable!

This method isn’t exclusive to silverware; you can also use it to breathe life into your silver jewelry. Say goodbye to tarnish and hello to sparkling silver!

In conclusion

I am thrilled that I stumbled upon this simple yet highly effective cleaning method. No need for harsh chemicals or elaborate procedures – just a few minutes, some common kitchen items, and your silver pieces will thank you with newfound radiance. I’m eagerly scouring flea markets and second-hand stores for more silver treasures to add to my collection. Give it a try, and you’ll be amazed at the results!

image source : houseaffection