Many people struggle with the question of how to properly clean their showers and tubs when cleaning. Seriously, we get asked this question a lot. While we have an old video on how to clean a bathtub, we’ve taken some of your feedback into consideration and created a simple step-by-step procedure on how to accomplish this task. So, I’m going to show you how professionals clean bathtubs, and I’m also going to cover some of the pitfalls people fall into (and how to get around them).
I don’t mind doing most of the chores in the house. Laundry? No problem. Vacuuming? I don’t mind. In fact, I cringe at the thought of cleaning toilets. However, there is one chore I never want to do. That is cleaning the bath and shower. Not only is there mold and hard water stains, but a thin layer of grime that never goes away. Thankfully, this cleaning hack makes that task much easier.

All you need is Dawn dishwashing detergent, distilled vinegar, and a cleaning rod with a sponge on one end. Simply add equal parts of dish detergent and vinegar to the cleaning rod and shake to mix the solutions.

Next, wet the walls and floors of the bath or shower. Scrub the solution with the wand and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, spray the surface so that there is no residue. Remember that detergent can be slippery, so be careful not to slip if you are doing this standing up in the bath or shower.

The great thing about this method is that you can easily clean in the shower! Simply put the conditioner on your hair and scrub. You can do two jobs at once by simply putting the conditioner on your hair and scrubbing. Keep a wand in your bathroom so you can reach for it whenever you feel the need to clean. Once you know this cheap and easy cleaning hack and get it right, cleaning your bath or shower will no longer be a chore.
If you happen to have discolored grout, there is a very simple way to fix it. You can mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in a small bowl to make a thick paste. Measurements aren’t really an issue here, just make sure you make what you need and that it’s nice and sticky. Apply it to the grout line with a clean toothbrush and leave it on for five minutes. This will give the product time to do its job – whiten and brighten! Once the time has expired, simply rinse and wipe clean.
Body Issue.
We receive many emails and comments about people who have physical limitations or chronic pain, or are looking for an ergonomic way to cleanse without bending over. There are many cleaning tools that can make these tasks a little easier, but for this task we would like to introduce the telescopic tub and tile scrubbers. This certainly makes the cleaning process a little easier!