How To Get Rid Of Ants, Fleas, And Other Pests


If you’re dealing with ants, make a paste using borax, honey (or maple syrup). If you want to target the queen ant and her babies, make a paste using powdered sugar and borax. Ants are different and they get attracted to different things. Make sure to try both methods to get rid of all the ants in your house.

If you’re dealing with fleas, start by vacuuming your whole house including behind furniture and the hard-to-reach places. Fleas hide in anything fabric when they’re not on your pet or you. Put some Borax on your carpet and any cracks in your furniture, leave it for at least 36 hours, then clean the Borax powder and the dead fleas when it’s time to remove them.

If you tried all these tips but you’re still not able to get rid of the pests, it’s the time to call a professional and get the help you need. Borax is amazing and many people swear by it. Try it, you won’t be disappointed!


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