How to get rid of sugar ants: 5 steps to follow


Want to know how to get rid of carpenter ants for good? Read on for information about carpenter ants and how to deal with an infestation.
We’re not the only ones who enjoy the sweet taste of sugar. Many people walk into their kitchen and are greeted by a swarm of sugar-laden ants attacking a sweet treat or a sticky spot on the countertop. While sugar ants themselves are not dangerous, they are unwanted and unsightly pests in the home. If you’re wondering how to get rid of sugar ants at home, read on to learn more about these critters and how to get rid of them once and for all, either by yourself or by calling in the professionals.

Identifying Carpenter Ants
To get rid of these unwanted creatures as effectively as possible, homeowners must first identify the species that has invaded their home.

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The name “sugar ant” is a generic term for different species that have similar candy-seeking behavior. One such species is the striped sugar ant, which is normally only found in Australia. In North America, the species known colloquially as the “sugar ant” is also known as the odorous house ant.

They are black or brown and have 12 different antenna segments. They are also one of the smallest ant species, measuring between 2.5 and 3 millimeters in length (approximately 1/10 of an inch). As their name suggests, the most striking characteristic of this species is their odor. When crushed, they give off a smell reminiscent of rotten coconuts. In addition to these special characteristics, sugar ants are often recognized by their behavior. Homeowners often find small sugar ants in the kitchen or near open food, especially sweet, sticky substances.

Brown or black sugar ants can easily be confused with carpenter ants, which are also small black or brown insects. However, carpenter ants can be slightly larger, between 2.5 millimeters and 4.2 millimeters (about 1/10th to 1/6th of an inch). They also have pale legs, two spines and small stiff hairs all over their bodies. Although carpenter ants can also appear in kitchens, where they look for grease stains, they are most often found in cracks in flooring.

In summary, here are some signs that carpenter ants are present in an apartment:

An accumulation of small black or brown insects near an open food source.
A trail of small black or brown insects leading to food crumbs or spilled food.
A rotting coconut smell (if ants have been crushed).

Tips for getting rid of sugar ants
If you know what attracts ants and how they enter a home in the first place, you can reduce the likelihood of a sugar ant infestation.
In the event of a severe infestation or if home treatments are not effective, it is best to call an exterminator.
Safety Aspects
Sugar ants only sting in self-defense and their bites do not usually cause symptoms in humans (unless the recipient suffers from severe allergies). If the bitten area is painful, another ant species – for example, a fire ant – could be the culprit.
When using any of the best ant killers, it is advisable to be informed about the environmental and health effects.
Some ant killers are harmful to people and pets, others can have a negative impact on local soil and water sources.

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STEP 4: Try natural methods.

Aside from regularly cleaning up crumbs and spills around the home, there are a few natural methods for getting rid of sugar ants:

STEP 1: Seal potential entry points into the home.

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Ants can easily enter the home through the smallest openings, such as holes in the foundation, cracks in the walls or floor, windows or open doors. Once inside the house, they can also get into small spaces inside and around cabinets and drawers.

Small interior spaces, such as around baseboards, can be sealed with caulking. Cracks on the exterior, including the foundation of the house, can be sealed with caulk. A coat of paint over the caulk or any small cracks in the wall can add extra protection (and visual appeal).

STEP 2: Eliminate any open food sources.
After sealing all potential entrances to the house, it’s time to remove the motivation for ants to continue exploring by blocking all open food sources. Food should be stored in airtight containers to prevent ants from smelling it or reaching the source. Owners should immediately clean up any spilled food, especially if it is sweet or sticky.

In addition to eliminating food sources, it is also important to keep the sources of sugar ants clean. Ants communicate through scent trails, which let other ants know where to look. Cleaning counters with soapy water or a spray cleaner will remove scent trails, which will help to stop attracting other members of the colony.

STEP 3: Use baited traps to capture ants.
Baited traps are effective in attracting and capturing ants. There are several options for making ant traps, many of which take advantage of ants’ propensity to consume sweet substances. A common bait for sugar ants is corn syrup mixed with boric acid: the acid is not very toxic to people and pets, but it acts as a poison to sugar ants. For ants that are attracted to fatty substances, a mixture of butter, sugar and borax can be an effective bait for sugar ants.

White vinegar. Using a mixture of one part white vinegar and one part water, spray the point of entry for ants and the paths they take, as well as the baseboards in between, to effectively kill ants. Ants are generally most active in the morning and late afternoon. Therefore, it is advisable to time the spraying to maximize the number of ants killed.
Essential oils. A mixture of water and a few drops of essential oils such as lavender and peppermint can also be an effective insect repellent (and it smells much better than a vinegar solution).
Other strong-smelling foods. Foods such as garlic, cloves, bay leaves and used coffee grounds can deter ants from following their scent trail by confusing them. Coffee grounds, which are highly acidic and burn ants, can be especially effective if placed outside the house near an ant entry point. Garlic can be hung in the kitchen pantry, while spices such as cloves and bay leaves can be placed on the countertop to deter ants from congregating near crumbs or splatters.
Food-grade diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth is deadly to insects, but non-toxic to humans and pets. It is a fine white powder made from crushed marine phytoplankton that can be sprinkled along ant trails to destroy their digestive systems.

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STEP 5: Call in a professional to effectively eradicate sugar ants.
While home treatment of ants can be effective for small, one-time infestations, larger or permanent infestations will likely require a professional. An exterminator has extensive knowledge of sugar ants and other pests, as well as access to the most effective tools and treatments to eradicate them. A professional from a leading pest control company such as Terminix, Orkin and others can also provide information on how to prevent future infestations.

The average cost of professional sugar ant extermination typically ranges from $200 to $250; however, exact prices vary depending on the location and extent of the infestation. Homeowners can also opt for ongoing treatments or maintenance services, which cost extra, but are worth it for the peace of mind an ant-free home provides.

By following the above guide, homeowners will be able to effectively identify sugar ants and know how and why they are invading the home. They will also have the tools and knowledge necessary to eradicate the ants and prevent further infestations. When in doubt, hiring a pest control professional can ensure the elimination of a sugar ant population.

Question : How can I get rid of sugar ants naturally?
Natural ant remedies include a solution of water and white vinegar, water with a few drops of lavender or peppermint oil, or food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE). You can also try other strong-smelling foods, such as garlic, bay leaves or used coffee grounds.

Question : What attracts sugar ants to my home?
Sugar ants have powerful olfactory receptors and are attracted to the smell of food, especially sweets and meat. They usually build their nests in warm, moist places. Although ants often build their nests in kitchen cupboards and pantries, it is not uncommon to find them in bathrooms.

Question : Can sugar ants sting me?
Answer: No. Sugar ants, like flying ants, are considered docile, as they only sting in self-defense and do not bite. An ant sting does not hurt and does not cause any symptoms (except in cases of severe allergies).

Question : What smell keeps ants away from sweets?
Strong odors such as peppermint oil, lemon juice, coffee grounds, whole cloves and bay leaves deter ants. And although there are many differences between termites and ants, termites also hate these odors.
Question : Do sugar ants hate vinegar?
Answer : No. Sugar ants (and ants in general) hate the smell of vinegar because it interferes with their scent trails. Instead of getting lost in a place with vinegar, ants will usually try to leave the place with the odor.

Question : What is the average lifespan of sugar ants?
The life expectancy of an ant depends on its role in the colony. Male ants, which are only responsible for mating, live about 20 days, while worker ants can live up to seven years. The queen of the sugar ants, who is cared for by her subjects, can live 10 to 15 years.