You probably don’t need me to tell you that in recent years, bee populations have suffered a serious decline. And even if you don’t care about this news, you should. Bees are extremely important pollinators that are responsible for a large portion of the products that end up in the grocery stores. Without bees, there will be serious shortages in food production. And I think it goes without saying that this is a big problem.

Bee populations are constantly decreasing, mainly due to the use of pesticides and the increase in mite populations. There are many ways to support bee populations, including planting some of your favorite flowers in your garden: lavender, saffron, sunflowers, zinnias, coneflowers, lilacs, and dragons. You can also avoid using pesticides and other hazardous chemicals in and around your garden. And there’s one more thing: you can make your own beehive!

Not only is a do-it-yourself hive a great way to boost bee populations, but you’ll have your own supply of organic honey! Angie Barnes from Boredom Therapy shows us a few simple steps to make your own beehive.

Basically, all you need to do is make a few cuts in the plywood to create a “frame” for your hive. Mason’s glass jars will rest on these drilled holes.

You will end up with a few rows of masonry jars on top of a box-shaped structure. Then simply place some starter strips or empty combs in the jars to encourage the bees to start making honey.

You will be surprised how quickly the bees start working on the jars, and they produce honey at such a fast pace! It’s a win-win situation.

for a complete list of step-by-step instructions for boredom therapy. With just a few hours of your time, you can have your own hive and a permanent source of honey, and feel confident knowing that you are doing your part to support our vital bee populations.