How To Make Amazing Watercolor Prints Using Markers!



To begin with, print whatever statement you’d prefer to use on one of the papers I referenced previously. Next, lay a gallon zip pack over the statement. If the zip sack has a hazy territory that you can compose on, ensure that is looking down.

The scrawl on the pack with markers. I like to use two distinct hues that I realize will mix well together, perhaps three. Try not to use hues that will make darker when joined together. I start by jotting with the primary shading in four or five distinct spots, at that point writing with the following shading. It will take some experimentation to make sense of how much marker ink you need to use, but you truly needn’t bother with that much. I like to keep the scrawls contained inside the zone the statement covers.

Next, use your spray bottle to spritz water on the scrawls. You’ll see the marker ink globule up when it gets wet. Once more, you’ll need to trial to perceive how much water you like to use, yet, I find that 5 or 6 sprays are commonly adequate.

Get the zip pack and rapidly flip it over, at that point place it down, focusing it over your statement. Contingent upon how much water you utilized, a portion of the ink may run off the sack as you flip it. Rub your fingers over the sack, mixing the hues underneath it. You can mix a great deal or a little to get a look that you like.

When you’re finished mixing, gradually strip the sack off your print. Now you may make them pool hued water. You can either leave it to dry (it will dry darker in those regions) or you can utilize a paper towel to smear some of it up. If you smudge immediately, it will pull more shading off. If you hold up a couple of moments to smear it will pull less shading off.

If you don’t care for what it looks like, smear it up immediately and pull off heaps of the shading, at that point simply rehash the procedure. You can likewise rehash the procedure to include a greater amount of one shading. It would be ideal if you note that you may get that color on your fingers during this procedure except if you are cautious.

You can test: blotch up more shading, layer on more shading, shower the completed print with water for a spotted look, etc. I really prescribe exploring different avenues regarding hues and strategies using plain paper to perceive what you like best before you begin chipping away at the real prints. It’s huge amounts of fun!