How To Make Color Safe Bleach


Are you tired of being always cautious about using bleach to not affect your colored clothing? I have the perfect solution for you: Homemade Color Safe Bleach! It only needs two ingredients, it’s effective, and as I said, color-safe.

I rarely use bleach, I’m just not a fan of it. I only use it when there’s some stubborn stain on my white clothes. Blach isn’t good for you, your children or pets, and for the environment. But I still want to have clean and stain-free clothes.

There are a few non-chlorine bleach choices out there in the market but it’s easier and cheaper to make your own color-safe bleach. You likely right now have the ingredients you need around your house.

Everything necessary is water and hydrogen peroxide. I even reused a vinegar bottle I previously needed to store in with the goal that made it very modest. Regardless of whether you have to purchase a compartment, it’s an extremely reasonable choice.

You can even make it scented if you’d like with a couple of drops of basic oils. I simply leave mine as is nevertheless it very well may be enjoyable to play with fragrances.

You can add a cup to your wash or for stains it’s a smart thought to splash the things for a little while first. I find that line drying the things in the sun brightens and expel recolors far and away superior.

How To Make Color-Safe Bleach


  • 1 cup hydrogen peroxide
  • water
  • optional: essential oils