How To Potty Train Your Kid In Just 3 Days


The end result is worth it – and obviously necessary! – But is there any aspect of early childhood that parents dread more than potty training? We’ve heard parents refer to it as a never-ending battle that makes things awful for a while. There has to be a better way, right? Well, says we’ve found it! It comes from author Lora Jensen and her book, whose title gives the idea of the method: Potty Training in 3 Days.

Yes, THREE days. We couldn’t believe it either, but Lora Jensen and say that if you’re willing to put in the time, it’s totally possible:

“The parent(s) needs to know that it will take work and you have to dedicate a full three days to the child. This means giving up ‘me’ time. You won’t be cooking, cleaning or visiting with friends—or ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians.’ You will seriously be spending all waking hours with your child for three days,” says Lora Jensen, author of “3-Day Potty Training.”

And, she says you must plan ahead: “Have your shopping done and meals prepared ahead of time. Do the laundry and clean the house prior to starting. Be ready to play games, color, watch cartoons and just enjoy some bonding time with your child.”

It sounds super-intense, but if it works, it’s probably worth it, right? Here are the central, step-by-step ideas:

  1. On Potty Training Day 1, have your child say good-bye and throw out her diaper herself.
  2. Instead of a diaper, wrap a t-shirt around him and explain that there’s nothing there to catch anything— it all must go in the potty!
  3. After breakfast – and an extra drink! – immediately make a potty trip.
  4. Have a sippy cup always available, and take her to the potty every 15 minutes without fail.
  5. Cut off all food and drink after dinner.
  6. Take him to the potty right before bed, and set an alarm for a trip halfway through the night.

Repeat these steps for three days, stay calm through accidents, and you should make it through these three days with a fully potty-trained kid.

Do you think this method could work?

Is this the way you potty-trained your kids?