How to prevent “porch pirates” from stealing your packages?


Ordering things online is the ultimate in convenience. With services like Amazon Prime, you can order an item and have it arrive on your doorstep the next day. However, there is a downside to ordering items online, namely the very real threat of porch pirates.

source: North Escambia

If you’ve never heard of a porch pirate, know that they are thieves who steal deliveries from people’s doorsteps. Since many deliveries are made during the day, when people are not home, porch pirates have a huge window of opportunity to steal packages left on homeowners’ porches. The problem is most acute during the holiday season, when Christmas gift deliveries are in full swing.

Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to prevent porch pirates from targeting your deliveries. It’s always best to leave a package with a mail collection center if you know you won’t be home when it arrives. You can also ask a trusted friend, family member or neighbor to wait at your home if you know the approximate time the package will be delivered.

source: Dicimo / Gear For Life

Another good solution is to get a lock box. If you know a package is coming in that day, leave the lock box open so the delivery person can put the package inside and close the lock as they leave. If you leave a note with these instructions, most delivery people will be happy to help you. If you decide to get a lock box, make sure it is securely attached to your porch, otherwise porch pirates will steal the entire box.

Many large delivery services also have mobile apps that notify you the second a package is delivered. This way, you can quickly run home to put your package inside if you’re not home or can’t find anyone to pick it up for you. Now that you know these simple tips, you’ll be better equipped to protect your deliveries this holiday season and throughout the year.