How To Remove Mold And Mildew Stains From Shower Caulking


Maintaining a clean and mold-free bathroom is essential not only for aesthetic reasons but also for our health. The warm and moist environment in showers and bathtubs can serve as a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. Fortunately, we have a straightforward and effective tip to help you eliminate those stubborn mold and mildew stains from your shower or bathtub caulking.

Jessica, the savvy homeowner behind This Blessed Life, has shared her tried-and-true method for cleaning bathroom caulking using a combination of bleach and small pieces of cotton beauty coils, typically used for perms. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Gather Your Materials: You’ll need bleach and cotton beauty coils. Ensure you have a pair of scissors and a Q-tip on hand as well.
  2. Prepare the Cotton Coil: Cut off a small piece of the cotton coil. It should be just enough to cover the moldy areas on your caulking.
  3. Soak in Bleach: Submerge the cotton coil in bleach. Let it soak thoroughly, ensuring it’s saturated with bleach.
  4. Application: Using a Q-tip, carefully press the bleach-soaked cotton coil onto the affected caulking. This helps prevent bleach from coming into contact with your fingers and provides precise application.
  5. Ventilation is Key: It’s essential to maintain proper ventilation in the bathroom during this process. Jessica recommends running the bathroom fan all night for good airflow. If you have a bathroom window, consider leaving it open as well. Adequate ventilation helps disperse bleach fumes and aids in mold removal.
  6. Overnight Treatment: Leave the bleach-soaked cotton coil on the caulking overnight. This extended exposure to bleach effectively combats the mold and mildew.
  7. Morning Cleanup: In the morning, remove the cotton coil from the caulking. Be cautious not to touch the bleach-soaked portion. Rinse the caulking and the edge of the tub thoroughly.

The results speak for themselves: Jessica’s method effectively removes mold and mildew stains, and she notes that they haven’t returned since. If you’re grappling with mold or mildew stains on your shower or bathtub caulking, this cost-effective and straightforward approach is certainly worth a try.

Maintaining a clean and mold-free bathroom is not only visually pleasing but also contributes to a healthier living environment. By following Jessica’s advice, you can tackle those unsightly stains and enjoy a sparkling bathroom once again.

pictures source:Β This Blessed Life