How To Rid Your Towels Of That Gross Mildew Smell


Towels, our trusty companions in the daily pursuit of cleanliness, are prone to acquiring that dreaded mildew smell, despite our best efforts to maintain them. Not only is this odor unpleasant, but it’s also a clear sign that your towels are harboring bacteria. Rather than discarding or relegating them to the status of mere rags, there’s a simple, cost-effective household solution. You probably already know that distilled vinegar and baking soda are formidable cleaning agents, and guess what? They work wonders on those musty towels too.

Reviving Your Towels with Vinegar and Baking Soda: When you find your towels have succumbed to that stubborn odor, don’t despair. Try this straightforward and effective method:

Preparation: Start by gathering your offending towels and loading them into the washing machine. You don’t need any detergent for this step; just hot water will suffice.

The Vinegar Rinse: Add one to one and a half cups of distilled vinegar to the machine. Now, set your machine for a regular wash cycle. The vinegar’s disinfecting and deodorizing properties will work their magic.

Baking Soda Finale: Once the initial cycle is complete, fill the machine with hot water again, and this time, introduce half a cup of baking soda into the mix. Run the towels through another regular wash cycle. The baking soda will serve as the final touch in eradicating that unpleasant mildew smell.

The Grand Finale: After the second cycle, transfer your towels to the dryer. Once they’ve been dried, you’ll be amazed at the transformation. Your towels will look, feel, and, most importantly, smell fresh and clean again.

Rescuing your towels from the clutches of that persistent mildew smell doesn’t have to be a losing battle. With the power of distilled vinegar and baking soda, you can effectively deodorize and disinfect them. This method is not only the easiest and most cost-effective solution but also ensures that your towels can once again serve their primary purpose – to keep you clean and refreshed. So, next time your towels start to emit that unpleasant odor, remember this simple, household hack that will have them smelling, feeling, and looking clean in no time.

images source : Shutterstock – Idea Digeezt – eHow Us Girls…Our Views / Shutterstock – nviro klenz