How To Use Nettle Manure For Anti-Parasitic Natural Fertilizer


In this article, we are going to show you how to prepare a clean, handmade mix. Unfortunately, our vegetable garden can also attract parasites. If we don’t control them, they can also damage and even destroy their crop.

In some countries, only professional users can use plant protection products. This means that people would need a special license issued by the regional agrochemical services. This law is very important because it helps reduce the risk of illness.

Let’s go back to our nettle mix. There are natural remedies in organic farming, proven in practice, that even beginners in farming can protect the crop from threats from pests. One of these remedies is mulching.

We have already talked about this technique widely used in organic farming. The first step in effective organic defense against pests is to control the development of weeds, which are the primary vector. Mulching is not enough, you have to prevent. Our nettle mixture can help a lot.

The nettle mixture is a must widely used in organic farming. You can prepare it with nettle leaves. But we see the quality and use of nettle puree.

Nettle and its derivatives are rich in formic acid and salicylic acid. These products are very effective in preventing the spread of several species of animal and plant parasites. The main uses of nettle puree are:

as a repellent against animal parasites in plants, mainly aphids and mites.
as a high quality organic fertilizer because it is rich in nitrogen and trace elements.
as a stimulant for plants, natural defense against certain fungal diseases very dangerous for our vegetables, such as powdery mildew and downy mildew.
In order to prepare nettle puree, we must use the whole plant except for its roots. It is best to pick it up in early spring, as the plant would be richer in nutrients. You can also use the dry plant, picked at a favorable time and let it dry in a cool, dry place.

1) Take thick gloves and pluck the stinging nettles before they bloom (mid-April or September).

2) Cut the roots and roughly chop the rest.

3) Position about 1 kg of purchases in a plastic basin or a wooden bin, but above all no metal container!

4) Add 10 l of water per kilo of fresh nettles. If you can preferably choose rainwater.

5) Let it prepare and cover the bowl to avoid the smell and flies. The maceration time depends on several factors, but generally lasts two weeks. Mix the preparation every 2 days. Attention, with the putrefaction, the outside temperature should not exceed 25 ° C. As long as the small bubbles of foam appear on the surface, the maceration is not finished. When the foam disappears, then your preparation is ready.