If you are tired of constantly buying food, here are some that you can regrow by yourself


Food is something that is necessary for human, animal, and herbal survival because it is the main source of nutrients that bodies need to maintain life, growth, and continuity. However, we tend to buy food and throw away leftovers not knowing that they can be used to regrow vegetables, fruits, and herbs all together for free. This way you’ll be saving money and the planet at the same time because you won’t be throwing away food in plastic containers that much.

Another plus point about this method is that you don’t need to go to the grocery store that often because you’ll have your own organic food supply, and there’s nothing better than fresh vegetables and fruits (fresh foods cost more in most of the grocery stores). There’s nothing better than fresh and free.

There are some vegetables and fruits that you can regrow all by yourself at home free of charge (the only thing that you’re going to spend is time watching over them). Without further ado, here are the foods that you can regrow all by yourself at your home garden free of charge.

1. Green Onions

Green onions are very easy to regrow, to be honest, even non-gardeners can grow this plant easily and without so much trouble. You won’t find any kind of tricky problems that demand gardening experience to solve, the process is very very easy. All you have to do is to put a few scallions alongside their roots in a glass filled with water. Once done, place the glass in a sunny location (near a window for example). Start cutting off the quantity that you need for cooking. The green onions take so little time to grow, in many cases, green onions grow overnight. Make sure to cut off the parts that want to use for cooking and they won’t stop growing. If you have a place where to put them (like a garden for example) they will grow even faster.

2. Onions

Regrowing onions is also very simple yet very pleasing to do. You will need an old bottle to put on a windowsill and that’s it. Empty the bottle and remove its neck using a pair of scissors. Once done, cut holes around it (if you can use scissors efficiently, then you can use a heated metal tool. Make sure that the holes can fit in the onion bulbs you wish to plant. Once done, fill the bottle with layers of sprouts and soil until you reach the top, then add water and place the bottle on a windowsill. Your part is done, now onions will start growing not so fast, but fast enough to give you usable product in a relatively short period of time.

3. Carrots

Here’s another easy and fun method to grow vegetables. To me, this the method that you can have fun doing the most. You can even bring in your kids and family into the action to share quality family time and to share some useful knowledge with your kids. You have to keep in mind that carrots are not used to grow carrots, in fact, they are grown from the plant, not from the root vegetable, so make sure not to remove the taproot because planting a carrot won’t get you anywhere.

To grow carrots in water, start the process by cutting off the tops of a carrot you picked from the grocery store. You need almost an inch of the root for things to go right. Grab a toothpick and stick it into a side of the stump and balance it on top of a glass (an old and small glass is better because it can end up with mineral stains that can benefit the planted carrot). Once done, fill the glass with water and make sure that it barely touches the bottom edge of the stump, then put it in a sunny area and add water whenever its level drops so that it continues to touch the edge. In a matter of a week, you will notice green sprouts in the top of the carrot and small white roots growing from the bottom as well.



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