If you are tired of constantly buying food, here are some that you can regrow by yourself


4. Celery

If you thought that regrowing onions is easy, then you should see celery. All you have to do is buy celery from the grocery store and chop off the stalks from its base and use it normally. Don’t throw away the base, instead, rinse it off and put it in a small bowl filled with warm water and put it on a sunny windowsill. Make sure that the base side is facing down and the cut stalks are upright. Don’t forget to change the water every 2 to 3 days and water the base of the celery with a spray bottle where the leaves grow out. Let it sit in the water for a week time and you will notice during a short period of time that the surrounding stalks are drying up while the small yellow leaves sitting in the center are becoming thick, growing up from the center, and turning into a dark green color. After a week time, you can put the celery base in a planter and cover it except the leaf tips with a mixture of dirt and potting soil. Water it regularly and the growing process won’t take that much time to come to the mature phase.

5. Sweet Potatoes

To regrow sweet potatoes, make sure that the one used for this purpose is firm, organic, and healthy. Once you get that out of the way, immerse most of the sweet potato in a jar full of water and let a few inches of it to sit on top of the water. Change the water regularly to avoid mold formation. Put the jar in an area that has good exposition to sunlight and you will notice sprouts in a very short period of time (once the sprouts are 5 inches tall, pull them off the potato to have more sprouts).

When the sprout is rooted well, plant it in a hill of soil (approximately 10 inches high). If your soil is not yet warm, wait until it becomes warm (probably around June). Once the plant is planted, make sure to keep it watered and make sure to keep the roots established. You have to know that the growing phase takes on average a couple of months before any noticeable results.


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